Here's to the future

Jan 17, 2005 17:18

Holy crap, the tide is turning, and here I was thinking things wouldnt really pick up till spring. I'm not even on antidepressants. Wow.

--I have work on tuesday and wednesday
--Thursday I have a steering committee meeting @ 4 & dr appt @6.
--Friday I am going to Darryl's house in the afternoon to help him apply his eyeliner for the show at Jaxx that night.
--I'm also supposed to go to Platinum later that night to assist Connie in her fashion show. Not sure if thats going to work out.
--I want to go back to Bungalow's to see if I can find that hot guy that came up to me Friday night. I blew it. But maybe I can find him again?

This past weekend was ok--I did a lot of lounging but also cleaned the house a bit and did about 4 loads of laundry. How does it pile up so fast?

I've noticed lately, that the best things happen when you are not looking or expecting things to happen. Its true. Just go out, be yourself, and concentrate on having a good time w/ the people you are with. I tried for so long to make things happen but life just doesnt work like that.
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