Oct 21, 2004 18:14
OK so today started out awesome. I woke up from this great dream that made me happy to no other. But then of course I woke up and realized of course that none of it was real :( tear for me! Oh well it made me sad but at the same time to memory of the dream mad e me happy (even though I knew it wouldn't ever be true!) After the awesome dream I decided I needed to look nice today. I wore then my fave boots!!! yay! And a cute skirt and sweater to go with it. Yay for me that I actually dressed nice for once.
First block was alright. WE just discussed food stuff cuz we're bringing in food tomorrow!! I get to eat breakfast for first block! Ah I am so psyched! Oh yeah and then I had to deal with this kid in that class that I really do not enjoy. He touches me and I'm like ahhhhh NOOOO.Oh well I feel bad saying anything to him cuz I don't think he has a lot of friends.
Then we had SEMINAR!!!!! I love seminar it is the best. I of course did homework cuz I never do it at home. Adrienne and I worked on MAL ugh I hate doing hw for that class!
Second block is never fun I hate MAL. But today was not too bad We got to silent read and then we started a play. I love it when i don't really have to think in class.
Third block was easy as usual choir is never hard its just stressful because daniels always yells a lot.
Then came fourth block, argh guess who just failed the pop quiz! I just don't understand this stuff. Oh well I guess its time for a nice chat with Mr. Howard so I can maybe understand it just a teensy bit better just maybe. But at least i understood how to do todays hw!! yay for me That class otherwise is the best! cuz eric and tim and kt and steve are in it and myranda and rachele. Its an awesome way to end the day!
Swimming was last argh it was the worst. I will be so happy if I never have to do fly again!!!. I still don't know if I'm going to do swimming next year. I know its senior year and its supposed to be the best year but I hate it soo much. Well its ok I still have a while to decide.
lets see I think that was the longest entry I have ever made lol Oh well read it if you want or don't but leave me some comments on what you think of my life lol