A quick and simple beginner's guide
for dealing with those pesky red/glowy images.
Ever come across an image you would love to use for an icon, but it's so redish and bright, you can't do a single thing with it? I've been in this frustrating predicament many times (it's especially common when using movie/tv screencaps) and have come up with a quick and simple fix using a few basic Photoshop elements. ^.^
Step one: Select you image. I took an image from "Northern Exposure"
(Capped by
oxoniensis-art.net) cropped it to 100x100 pixels, and sharpened it once.
Step two: Looks pretty awful, doesn't it? Now, create a new Levels layer
(Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels) Put in these settings in the Input Levels boxes:
RBG: 14 - 1.49 - 255
RED: 17 - 0.96 - 255
GREEN: 10 - 1.28 - 244
BLUE: 0 - 1.35 - 234
You should be left with something like this:
Nifty, eh?
Step three: I still wanted my image to have a bit of a softer blueish tone, so I created two new layers
(Layers > New Fill Layer > Solid Color) filling the first with the color FF95F9 and the second with EBFFFD.
Set the first layer to Soft Light at 11% opacity and the second to Color Burn at 100% opacity.
And that's it! I hope my little tut was able to help you out a bit ^.^
Feedback is appreciated!
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