Dec 03, 2007 16:37
I've read several posts about SUP's acquisition of LJ. Many of you are saying "Anything is better than SixApart."
Well, actually, no. A Russian friend has made me aware of some very worrisome issues. If you Google "russian livejournal censorship" you will get a taste, but my friend had more to say. What I read in the comments of her friends-locked post has me very, very concerned. I will not repost what she said, as I don't have her permission, but possibly she will comment here and enlighten you all.
I'm not an alarmist. I have not, for one second, considered giving up LJ because of any of the stupid and outrageous things 6A has done since they bought LJ. But what I've learned so far about SUP is worrying enough that I'm setting everything up so I can leave LJ quickly and seamlessly if/when it becomes necessary.
After this post I am going to start double-posting everything I write here to GreatestJournal. I'm already "lilirose" over there; I'm still deciding whether to use that journal or start another under this username. Watch this space for more info.