I'm up too damn early!!

Mar 19, 2004 07:03

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:

Band: Radiohead

Are you female or male: male Paranoid Android
Describe yourself: Scatterbrain
How do some people feel about you: Street Spirit
How do you feel about yourself: Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Creep
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: How to Disappear Completely
Describe where you want to be: Everything in its Right Place
Describe what you want to be: Motion Picture Soundtrack
Describe how you live: No Surprises
Describe how you love: Idioteque but Thinking About You
Share a few words of wisdom:
2+2=5....I Might Be Wrong but if it were Dollars and Cents, that would be a Nice Dream
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