Hello there everyone! I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone Happy Holidays.... or a happy December/January if you're not big on holidays at all.
We want to thank you guys for sticking with us over the last few months. We know it's been a super bumpy ride and that it's probably going to be a while before things fully smooth out. So for everyone who's supported us and stuck with us over this period of time, we just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate that. A mod team couldn't ask for a better playerbase. So thanks. ♥
On the mini-event - Due to recent issues we'll be extending the mini-event since we know none of us have really gotten to do anything with it due to... reasons. As to when the mini-event will end we currently don't know, it's really going to depend on how other things sort themselves out.
On the recent poll - So we've heard more from LJ since the poll was created. 88 is here to stay and subject lines are indeed lost to the ether. The
new changes coming up look
just as bad if not more so (in this mods humble opinion anyway), so it's unlikely that the future is going to be all that bright on LJ for some time to come.
If you want to change your vote it's actually really simple. Just click
here, go to "fill out poll" and you can change your answer.
That said, at this point it's looking highly likely that we will in fact be moving. The main question now is more when than if, so it brings us to our next question.
Comm importing is slowly being implemented; however due to reasons that are quite reasonable given the situation it'll be a while before free users can utilize the comm import feature. So our question to you is this.
Do you want to wait for comm importing or would you rather we went ahead, moved now, and then imported the community as it became available to us?
That's it! If you've got a question, concern, or comment on the matter please let us know in this post here. (Or in the one containing the poll. We're really not picky)
Happy Holidays once again. ♥