A wild Kari appears!

Nov 20, 2011 11:56

Heya! I'm Kari (derpy angel @ AIM, karijou @ Plurk), and I'm dragging in one Troll Jade Harley of AU'd Homestuck! She's a giant, lovable derp with a mind that runs a little too fast for her own sake, a few notable quirks, and (courtesy of her new body) a fair bit of aggression, a taste for raw meat, and maybe just a teeeeensy bit of a well-meaning god complex.

Schedule, application, HMD, contact info and permissions are all up in her journal already! While I haven't fully fixed the permissions post yet, it's also going to function as a text color permissions post; see, Jade has a habit of really irritating courier, something like this!!!!. I'll try to put all such text behind cuts, but if you're interested in tagging her without such tomfoolery I'm more than willing to compromise!

It's great being here. I'm looking forward to playing with you all! <3333


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