Character(s): Pinkie, Gamzee, Brofessor
Location: Home Ec Kitchen
Rating: Probably R for language, sopor pies, ROCKIN' MIRACLES
Open/Closed/Finished: CLOSED
Summary: Gamzee is here with his pies. OH YES~!
By the time of this gathering has commenced, a few more pies have been devoured, and Pinkie was laying across the counter of the home ec room, just...chillin'. This was the happiest day of her life. EVER.
" can those lights be!" Those kitchen lights were just so amazingly fascinating and AMAZING. Her hand reached up and then she closed it before gasping loudly. "OMIGOSH OMIGOSH! I CAUGHT SOMETHING!!" Slowly she sat up and looked down at her enclosed hand.
Dare she open it?