Character(s): Damian Razem (Robin V III) and Stephanie Brown (Robin IV)
Location: Training Center, eventually other parts of Garden
Rating: G
Open/Closed/Finished: Closed
Summary: It'd happen eventually. While everyone else's dancing the night away, the Robins come out to play! And quite possibly have a showdown.
Grats just didn't satisfy him anymore. Robin let out a disgruntled groan as he kicked what must've been the fiftieth one into submission. Tightening his gloves, he moved in for the kill---and it was as anticlimactic as always. He jumped back, waiting for more Grats to appear.
Even they didn't provide much of a challenge. Tightening his goggles, Robin jumped onto the side of the Center's walls and roundkicked one into nothing before moving onto... a T-Rexaur. Goodie.
Shouldn't he be up there with everyone else? Dancing to their hearts' content? Perhaps. But right now, he just felt like hurting things. (Patrol tonight was useless: Seifer and Marco were probably at the dance and watching things that way. Pfft, like he'd show his face there. Kids just didn't belong in that kind of environment. He saw what teenagers did when they thought no one was looking! And it was kind of gross.) Taking a deep breath, he flipped back and then jumped forward. Boss'd probably be proud of him. Or mad at him. Rob didn't know which any more.
The weird part was, Robin could live with not being able to predict Boss's reactions. It was... kind of liberating in its own way. Taking one look at the T-Rexaur and motioning for it to come closer, Robin smirked (even if his boots were still quaking). "Bring it!"
In retrospect? That might've been the absolute worst thing to say; it came forward and it took all of the kid's might to keep it at bay. What would Boss say now? Oh, that's right: that he was a zift for even bothering. Good, Boss. The vote of self confidence was needed!
Kicking it once and then sidestepping its attacks, Damian found himself panting and yet... wanting more. Perhaps - just perhaps - tonight wouldn't be a total waste after all.