Give Me Stuff To Break (OPEN)

Nov 12, 2010 22:04

Characters: Bulla and OPEN
Location: Training Center
Rating: PG to PG-13
Open/Closed/Finished: OPEN
Summary: Bulla is blowing off some steam

Bulla had gotten a barely passing grade on one of her projects. Frustrating as that was, she could have accepted it if it wasn't for the fact that it had been an entirely subjective assignment. She had completed it, put in a decent effort, made sure there were no glaring spelling or grammar errors, and so on. All of the comments she had received on the assignment had been opinion based rather than actual criticism on what she did wrong. To put it mildly, she was annoyed.

Still, she knew better than to flip out on a teacher - especially in a military school like Balamb Garden. Tomorrow, she would talk to the teacher like a civilized and reasonable person and see if she could argue her way to a better grade. For now, she was taking her frustrations out in the one way that wouldn't get her in any trouble whatsoever: punching and kicking grats and T-rexaurs.

Facing off against a group of grats, Bulla did her best to evade their attacks before sending them flying with her punches, one after another. Pausing for a moment, she hoped they didn't land on anybody else who might be training at the moment.

[prince of tennis] momoshiro, [kuroshitsuji] grell sutcliff, [ffxiii] snow villiers, [p3] minato arisato, [breath of fire iii] ryu, [dragonball gt] bulla brief

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