Sticky: Master Rec List

Mar 23, 2009 03:39


Okay, so this is something that has been literally years in the making. I'm not going to bore ya'll with a long story, but I've been reading fanfiction since I was twelve or thirteen years old and have read fic for many, many different fandoms. I'm serious, I've read a bunch. Usually, I never take the time to draw together rec lists because they take too long, so I've decided for preservation's sake, I'm going to embark on building a master rec list that will encompass every fandom I've ever read for and every fic I can remember since I was about twelve years old. Keep in mind this means over seven years of fangirling, so it may be a little all over the place, but that's okay, since it's mostly for me, anyway.

The list is divided by fandom and type (het or slash.)

Feel free to peruse it! :D

* = HIGHLY recommended, to this very day.



Title: Dating a Straight Boy is Weird and Creepy
Author: camdenspenser
Rating: T
Pairing: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Summary: Albus is completely straight and Scorpius is completely gay, so naturally they need to go dancing. SLASH.

Notes - Adorable. <3

* Title: If You Are Prepared
Author: Cybele
Rating: M
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Summary: A three-story arc, the first of which being The Truth About Harry (Dumbledore has plan to keep Severus and the boy safe.)

Notes - A modern fanfiction classic. Considered by many Snarry fans to be essential reading for any true Snarry follower. Tragic, realistic, and beautiful, Cybele knows what she's writing about. Highly, highly recommended.

* Title: PS I Love You
Author: shmexay
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Summary: One hundred letters, written back and forth between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy over the course of twenty-five years.

Notes - I went into the fic expecting angst, and there is quite a bit of it, but it's got a happy ending...which almost makes me kind of mad. There's something about Drarry fics that manage to stick to the canon!storyline even as they explore this relationship that may have existed between the two boys off-screen throughout the novels that really appeal to me. That said, I'm still amazed by the brilliance of the writing in this story and love it, happy ending and all. Very, very good - the back and forth with the passage of time is very well done and I truly relish the way the author manages to show, not tell, and lets the reader draw their own conclusions to a certain degree. An awesome story.

Title: Quid Pro Quo
Author: Aucta Sinistra
Rating: M
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Summary: Harry is cursed and comes to Snape for the cure.

Notes - none yet.


* Title: The Doors of Time
Author: felisblanco
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: It’s not like he doesn’t try to fit in and make friends, he really does. It just seems like nothing he does is good enough for them. If he smiles they blink. If he speaks they stare. And whenever they see him coming they get this panicked look in their eyes like they want to run away and they don’t even know why. Jensen knows why. It’s the same thing that makes his dad worry and his mom cry. That makes Nana tell his parents he’s going to Hell, not even caring that he can hear her. It’s what makes him ‘weird’.

Notes - Absolutely beautiful. Phenomenally written; Part 1 is especially well-crafted, with a tenderness and an eye for special relationships between kindred souls, regardless of differences. That sounds really hokey, but it was like reading poetry about a child's state of mind through prose (if that makes much sense) half the time when felisblanco was describing Jensen's state-of-mind. Completely mind-shattering. Do not pass this up.

Title: Echo
Author: munibunny
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: WRITTEN FOR SPN_J2_BIGBANG 2010. Summertime in California and Jared's life has just taken a turn for the better. He's got a new job, a new apartment, and a whole new outlook on life. The bad news? He thinks his apartment might be haunted. The good news? He just met this really hot guy. Jensen’s a man with a troubled past, but Jared’s already fallen hard. As he starts to uncover the truth behind what's happening in his home, however, Jared discovers that his and Jensen's lives are more intertwined than he ever imagined, and the path to Jensen's heart might just be helping the man find his way home.

Notes - This is such a beautifully constructed story. I honestly entered this without knowing what to expect, and I found myself in awe of how cleanly the author was able to characterize each character and draw together each and every subplot in a way that was both clever and recognizable. I am truly amazed by the way things flowed throughout the course of the fic. The way munibunny was able to build up to Jensen's occupation, first of all, without mentioning it for quite some time was very cleverly accomplished and really started the story off on a very mysterious note which left me unsure of what to expect from her as an author. Which, I might add, is something I loved. :3 A brilliantly written piece. Highly recommended.

Title: The Empty Room
Author: germanjj
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared's life felt like it was slowly falling into pieces, slipping right through his fingers and he didn't even know why. What he did know was that there had to be a reason why he would always find his dogs scratching at the door to the empty room in his house. Why he would hesitate so many times before driving off to set simply because it felt wrong somehow to go alone. Why he would dream of this one guy he’d never met, but who, in his dreams, felt like a man he had spent a lifetime with. Why he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something, someone, he’d forgotten.

Notes - This fic is ridiculously quality. I adore it. I don't even know what to say other than that. I've had it added to memories for a long time now, but I'm just now getting around to putting it on this list, which is a damn shame. HIGHLY recommended. HIGHLY.



Title: There's Not a Thing I Would Change
Author: Sakura onto Hitomi
Rating: R
Pairing: Van/Hitomi
Summary: Van met Hitomi her first day of high school freshman year. They didn't hit it off too well but soon became best friends. Now Van works at a major company and promised his boss a great girl for a party. Who else can he go to but his best friend.

Notes - I can still remember finishing this fanfic and just - just BAWLING. I followed it from the posting of the fourth chapter or so until its completion, so I still hold a bit of an emotional attachment. Now that I've said I cried, lemme clarify - it's not a sad fic in the end, but it is very bittersweet and I was very sad for it to be over. One of my favorite AU Escafics.


Title: Dangerous Games
Author: Lunalelle
Rating: R
Pairing: Tom Riddle/Hermione
Summary: An analogy between Jekyll/Hyde and Tom Riddle/Voldemort for the intellectually inclined. Hermione has an accident, the Time Turner is destroyed, and she's stuck in 1943. She meets young Tom Riddle in his seventh year, Head Boy, and in his prime. However, he takes quite an interest in Hermione. Considerably dark for me, Herm/Voldie pairing, and some blood and gore, plus extensive creativity on the HJ7 potion.

Notes - Read back when Hermione was my favorite character and the very idea of slash would have given my whiplash. Aaah, how times have changed. That said, I was into a lot of the same kinks when I was fifteen as I am now - mainly, good character being in forbidden love affair with bad character. Hence, my bookmark of this story.

Title: I Believe in Crumple-Horned Snorkacks
Rating: R/Light NC-17
Pairing: George/Luna
Summary: “As far as George was concerned, a Luna Lovegood who'd stopped believing in imaginary creatures was just a travesty. Sort of like a George Weasley who couldn't tell a joke.” How George Weasley learned to quit feeling sorry for himself and re-join the land of the living.

Notes - I don't even know - I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP. Now all I need is some twins/Luna and I'm set.


Title: 1025 FM
Author: whoknoez
Rating: R
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: Inuyasha is a radio host, but no one knows who "Hanyou" is except Miroku, Sango, and a few select people in the building he works at. He tries to keep his identity a secret, because he doesn't want to have a responsibility-led life with reporters and having to attend different meetings and the sort. In short, he doesn't want a hassle. Kagome is also a businesswoman... kinda. She does all sorts of stuff for her company, but she's growing. The president, Myouga (Yes, the flea... Times have changed) favors her and is attached to her. She has great potential in his eyes, and is starting to show it in the company. Kagome and Inuyasha will meet in the club, and Inuyasha, who scoffs at the idea of love, finds himself infatuated with the girl. He reports on his own progress of his love on the radio, making whoever is listening enraptured to the romance unfolding. They still don't know who Inuyasha is, or who he's seeing, but the story is enough.

Notes: I don't remember much about this fic, other than the fact that I remember loving it and that it was one of the few Inu/Kag's that I really adored. Once I've reread it, I'll write a better, more thought-out note here, promise. I vaguely recall it being something like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Maybe.

Title: 28 Days
Author: Torenza
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: Complete Kikyo's a nurse, Miroku's a surgeon the hands on sort , Inuyasha's a doctor, Sango's the peskiest patient in the world and Shippo is a kid who 'doesn't talk', and kagome has 28 days to live. And this is a humour fic?

Notes: A story that should have been so sad, but wasn't. Written by a very popular Inufandom author. Quite good in retrospect, but a little silly when read currently.

Title: All of My Tomorrows
Author: deleria
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Summary: Naraku, Kikyou & Inuyasha are dead. The jewel is complete & within Kagome once more. Enter Sesshoumaru; he wants the Tetsusaiga and Kagome is the only one who can give it to him. Together they must face a threat worse than Naraku. REWRITE IN PROGRESS

Notes - Another awesome S/K fic. Wish I could find more of the ones I was so captivated by. It pretty much breaks my heart that A Single Spark is no longer at least an available archive for S/K-centric fics. That site was amazing. I haven't really looked at the new site,

Title: Behind the Masquerade
Author: Keolla
Rating: M
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: The Higurashis held a masquerade to find fiancées for their daughters, Kikyou and Kagome. But when a betrothal between Kikyou and Inuyasha occurred, Kagome was sent to spend a month with the Komiyas to see if Inuyasha was a suitable husband for Kikyou. What she didn't know of course, was the man she had fallen for at the masquerade, was her sister's fiancé.

Notes - I can't remember if I ever read this, but it's a very well-reviewed, very well-known Inuyasha fic amongst fans of the Inu/Kag pairing, and the length is quite respectable, indeed. The story has garnered over 1200 reviews at, so you know it's at least acceptable. Will read when I can.

Title: HanyouEXE
Author: Garret Jax
Rating: R
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: Kagome, a cybersavy senior in highschool, has managed to steal a top secret bit of software from a very famous japanese company. Unfortunately, this software turns out to be a very abusive, rude AI named InuYasha. AU, InuKag, M for language and violence

Notes - Before I grew savvy to the ways of the interwebs, I didn't realize that you could post stories in intervals on I thought they were all completed. Then I smartened up and realized what was going down with the chapters and all and didn't read fics unless they were specified as completed. Unfortunately, I clicked on this one without thinking one day and got sucked in. Also unfortunately, the fic remains discontinued to this day because the author got the opportunity to gut it and rework it (his words, not mine) into an original novel for his senior workshop in college. That said, I still love this fic and reread it from time to time. It's just too good not to. :/ One day I hope he really does get it published as an original novel so I can find out what the hell happens.

Title: Learning to to Let Go
Author: icefyre
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: AU fic. Kagome is moving away from home for college for the first time in her life. Inuyasha is a half-demon slave on the verge of giving up hope. This is their story - a story about love, sacrifice, and growing up.

Notes - A well-reviewed fanfiction found on, this is one of few Inu/Kag stories I continue to enjoy.

Title: The Once and Future Taiyoukai
Author: RosieB
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Summary: The well was supposed to be stable. It was supposed to send her to Inuyasha. And it failed. Now, Kagome's even farther into the past and she must depend on a young Sesshoumaru, who has no idea of what their shared future holds. But neither does Kagome.

Notes - TO BE READ.

Title: The Price of Freedom
Author: Torenza
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Summary: AU. Inuyasha has been a captive all his life - and he finally escapes, but at a price. Kagome happens to find him washed up on her beach, blind, and must do anything and everything in her power to help him get his sight back. COMPLETE

Notes: TO BE READ.

* Title: Taisho's Darling
Author: Lavender Valentine
Rating: R
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Summary: Sesshomaru has been placed in an impossible situation by his father, and given a limited amount of time to accomplish the miraculous. With Higurashi Kagome in the picture and Inu-Yasha sabotaging him at every turn, it seems no matter what Sesshomaru chooses - he loses. Or does he? AU, Sess/Kagome

Notes - A great S/K fanfic. I especially love the houseplants.

* Title: Tales From the House of the Moon
Author: Resmiranda
Rating: M
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Summary: Kagome, now in college, discovers the tale of Sesshomaru and Rin. Grief can be a prison, but the bonds of love are not easily broken. What is the truth behind fairytales? SessKag COMPLETE

Notes - In my opinion, the greatest S/K fanfiction ever written. Long, deep, thought-provoking, this fanfiction is one I read this past summer (2010) for the first time and it moved me to tears. A necessity for anyone who can appreciate fanfiction as an art form, for anyone who loves reading, for anyone who loves romance, or for anyone who simply loves the potential of the Sesshoumaru/Kagome ship. It has never been so fully or artfully explored as it is here. One of my favorite fanfics ever.

Title: Temporal Sequence
Author: Chaos-and-Serenity
Rating: R
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Summary: Temporal Sequence isa divergent canon storyline with aspects of both the Inuyasha manga and anime series. It's a psychological journey of two people searching for contentment in life and they find the path through each other, which inevitability means it's not everyone's cup of tea. There will be no sequels. "Memories are snippets in time. If evaluated piece by piece they can reveal the foundation of a personality. But these snapshots of things past are meaningless unless properly sequenced. It's really all about the timing…"

Notes - I used to be a lot younger and very into both Inuyasha and the Kagome/Sesshoumaru pairing therein. I, at one point, even owned the official fanlistings for Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanfiction and the relationship between Sesshoumaru/Kagome/Inuyasha. This was over four years ago, but I still look back on my time in the Inufandom fondly, mostly by rereading my favorite Sesshou/Kag fics every once in a while. I'm not sure if I ever actually read this fic all the way through (or at all, really) but I love the length and the summary and have been planning on reading it for quite some time. It has won several awards and is supposedly quite angsty; I am intrigued and willing to recommend it based upon these facts and the brilliance of the first chapter alone.


Title: The Bad Kid
Author: Kanzen ne Tsuki
Rating: R
Pairing: Kenshin/Kaoru
Summary: Kenshin meets the new girl amidst ghosts and mystery. The new girl being Kaoru. Love and lust happen.

Notes - Another one from my days as a het fangirl. I still go back and reread the occasional awesome het fic, especially if it's an RK, Inuyasha, or HP one. Something about the nostalgia of it all makes me happy. This was an absolutely wonderful fic that I had the pleasure of reading as it was being written. I've fallen out of touch with the author, but I recall that she was a total doll and was so kind and grateful. That, on top of how much I loved the fic, makes me glad it's still available on

* Title: Broken Pieces
Author: Linay
Rating: R
Pairing: Kenshin (Battousai)/Kaoru
Summary: AU dark fic - Kenshin is Battousai, a feared assasin in modern times. His target is Kamiya Kaoru, a girl with mysterious abilities. Is a relationship between captive & captor possible? ind. chps PG13 & R: violence, swearing, adult situations

Notes - In my mind (and many others', I am sure), this is the definitive non-slash Rurouni Kenshin fanfiction. Linay is a genius writer. I followed this epic with baited breath for over a year from when I was about fourteen years old. This is definitely the fanfic that inspired me to start writing for the fandom, myself, and probably what, to this day, fuels my need to read and write angsty, bloody fic with terrible people that still somehow retain their humanity. I owe a lot of the growth I've gone through as both a reader and a writer to this wonderful lady and her wonderful story.

Title: Catharsis
Author: deleria
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Enishi/Kaoru
Summary: When Kenshin's guilt won't let him leave Rakuninmura, Kaoru finds herself drawn to the emotional wounds of a man consumed with revenge. Confused by her altruistic gestures, Enishi lets his guard down. His heart latches onto her. Enishi Kaoru

Notes - Back in the days when I read enough RK fanfic to make a person sick of swords and red hair altogether, I was pretty much the biggest believer in the Kenshin/Kaoru OTP online. I was obsessed with them and their relationship and the tragedy of it all. To this day, K/K remains one of the few het pairings I can really be enthusiastically gung-ho about. It took a lot for me to even consider reading a pairing that deviated from the canon (except for Sano/Megumi, as kind-of canon as it was, because I loved Sano and Megumi made me sick to my stomach.) This fanfiction was the first Enishi/Kaoru fanfic I ever read, and to this day, it remains the best. Perhaps it's a combination of the fic being brilliantly writtten, well-characterized, and somehow so completely believable, despite the Enishi/Kaoru pairing. I was very impressed by how much this story made me like the pairing. I still am.

Title: Reaching True Feelings
Author: Son Christine
Rating: R
Summary: A feisty bookworm crosses paths with her professor in high school, a boundary most would find indecently inappropriate to cross. Love impairs judgment. C'est la vie.

Notes - Oh my GOD, I just found this story again. I remember being completely obsessed with this because I loved the pairing and the kink within (teacher/student.) Sheesh, I don't even recall what the quality of the writing is like, but I do remember that I loved-loved-loved this story enough to faithfully check in on it until it was completed over a two or three year span.


Title: Spellbinder
Author:Rhea Hiryuu
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Rorek/Malchior/Raven
Summary: Set after 'Spellbound' She'd learned to move on, that is until the 'real' Rorek somehow appeared before the Titans. Now Raven's finding it hard to deal with the past, especially when Malchior begins to haunt her. Ror,Rae,Mal

Notes - Back when I was young and silly, I was an avid Raven fan. (These days, I love me some Robin and Beast Boy, but whatever. I digress.) There was an episode of TT that I particularly went nuts over, called Spellbound, which was completely Raven-centric and brought up the possibility of Raven being in a romantic relationship. Which I liked. Anyway, I hated how the episode ended (badly, to say the least), and was super excited to find this exclusively Malchior/Raven-centric fanfiction that is basically a continuation of the episode. I remember liking it quite a bit, partially because I loved the Rorek/Malchior/Raven triangle and partly because it was one of maybe three fics on that didn't pair Raven with BB or Robin. In retrospect, it's a little cheesy, but most fanfic is.


Title: Two Plants and a Girl
Author: Thunk
Rating: Light R
Pairing: Vash/Meryl/Knives
Summary: Complete Meryl becomes more important to Vash than he wants to admit. But Knives sees it. Knives capitalizes on it. But he finds it increasingly difficult to exploit the Insurance girl, for reasons far too old, and not buried deep enough…KMV

Notes - The BEST Trigun fic on Lengthy, thorough, and faithful to the manga - except for the whole Knives/Meryl bit. Absolutely amazing. I printed this fic out when I was about thirteen and was just captivated. Highly recommended.


Title: What Doesn't Kill You
Author: Azurite
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Téa Gardner lost everything in a single night: her home, her family, her very livelihood. Of all people to help her in this time of need, Seto Kaiba is the one to give her another chance.

Notes - Okay, so I was a misguided youth if anything. I loved Anzu, alright? I was a very proactive feminist preteen. And I thought Seto was hot. That said, I can't really remember much about this particular work other than I think it's STILL incomplete, which is sad. BUT - unlike most fics that have been WIP for years and years and years, this author still logs onto every once and while and she last updated her profile in March of '10, which gives me hope that one day this will be a completed fanfiction. Fingers crossed!

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