Icons & Sidebars: Supernatural S5 & J2

Oct 12, 2009 21:20

EDIT: I'm in the process of trying to fix the bandwidth issue. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a new server? Photobucket obviously fails. *headdesk*

EDIT: Everything should be fixed now. Sorry about that, everyone! V_V

This was supposed to be multifandom, but I downloaded a bunch of new J2 and SPN-related vids and got a bit...carried away. =D Lots of graphics for my favorite fandom!

[1 - 17] Stationary SPN S5EP05/J2 icons
[18 - 39] Animated SPN S5EP05 & S4 Gag Reel/J2 & Misha icons 
[40 - 45]150x100 SPN & J2 animated sidebar banners
[46 - 49] 250x150 J2 animated sidebar banners
















Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble





Resources can be found HERE. Please: don't hotlink; credit appropriately. <3

icons:misha collins, sidebars:jared padalecki, fandom, sidebars, fandom:j2, sidebars:jensen ackles, sidebars:j2, sidebars:misha collins, icons:supernatural, fandom:supernatural, icons:jensen ackles, icons, icons:j2

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