Supernatural: SEASON 5 PREMIERE!

Sep 10, 2009 21:24

My thoughts on the episode, written during commercial breaks. Definitely leave me your comments and opinions!
    • EDIT: I totally forgot to mention: the new opening? SO BADASS. It looks like bloody vapor!
    • Cinematography? MADE OF WIN. You don't even know. Well - you do.
    • OMG, poor Sammy. D; I cannot believe that Bobby would say that. No way is that Bobby.
    • I fucking love the fangirl reference! SHE WAS WRITING SLASH. If this doesn't show just how much Kripke and the writers appreciate the fandom, I don't know what does.
    • Jensen is looking especially broody-hot. Guh. *fans self*
    • So I totally knew that wasn't Bobby the second he told Sam to lose his number. No way, no how would Bobby ever say that. What REALLY surprises me is that Dean didn't figure it out. He must be seriously peeved still about everything that's happened.
    • Wait, wait, wait - Dean's a sword, say WHAT?!?!?! I haven't been keeping up much this summer on Season 5 spoilers, because yes I'm a spoilerfan but I wanted it to be a surprise when the premiere came. Was there any meta about this? Can anyone let me know if I missed over it?
    • Those angels are ASSHOLES. Thank God (haha, I'm so funny) for Cas. It's funny how quickly I've become such a fan of his. So if Cas was dead, perhaps God saved him? Hmm, so much speculation so little time.
    • "What I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude." Oh, Dean, how I have missed your witty reparte. *0*
    • Jesus, Dean. Why don't you just rip mine and Sammy's hearts out of our chests and stomp on them?! God, the last scene literally killed me. "We can never go back to what we were." Damn. I don't even know what to say. I seriously burst into tears.
    • That last scene where Dean walked away from Sam, and kind of looked back over his shoulder for a second before getting in the Impala - pure directorial (sp? X_X) genius.

      Alright, so there's my take! Let me know what ya'll think!


fandom:supernatural, supernatural:season five, fandom, meta

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