I Come Bearing a Crappy Sketch & a Writing Update

Jun 28, 2009 00:46


Okay, so this is pathetic, really. It's not even done, but it actually semi-kinda looks like Jensen, so here, for your giggling pleasure:

I am so, so sorry for the abomination that is this sketch. At least I put visible effort into the scruff on his cheeks....?

*hangs head in shame*

It was mostly for fun, anyway, and practice. I won't blame you if you bash. :P

- Merlin, J2, & Supernatural

1. MERLIN: Signed up to write two crossovers for reel_merlin. The movies I've requested are Jane Eyre (which is also my favorite book of all time) and Moulin Rouge. Titles, summaries, & plans follow.

It Will Atone - Merlin Xover w/ Jane Eyre; R-NC17; romance/angst/drama/possibly crack!Fic-ish
Cast - Merlin as Jane; Arthur as Mr. Rochester; Uther as Mason; Morgana as Bertha Mason; Gwen as Grace Poole; Lancelot as St. John; Hunith as Diana; Lady Helen as Mary; Sophia as Georgiana Reed; Mordred as Adele; William as Helen Burns; Nimwueh as Eliza Reed; Gaius as Mrs. Fairfax; Edwin Muirden as John Reed
Summary (will be shortened and made more articulate eventually): Merlin's life has not been easy. Orphaned at a young age and sent to live with despicable relatives, he suffered through it all, determined to better himself. Now given the opportunity of a lifetime, he accepts a position as the tutor of a nobleman's ward at Camelot Hall. Convinced that he will live a long life of contented boredom, he never suspects to be confronted with a demanding, passionate man that will make him question everything he knows.

Notes 1: Before people start freaking out, I just want everyone to know that I hate none of the female characters in Merlin (seriously) despite being a slash fangirl. But I had to assign roles to every character, and thus ended up making some of the likeable characters a lot less likeable in this crossover. It's nothing personal and there's no intentional bashing. @_@

Notes 2: I'm still deciding just how AU I want this to be. I'm considering working in magic and the Old Religion (I know how I'd do it, I'm just not sure if I want to try and write them in just yet). We'll just have to see how it works out.

Beauty, Freedom, and Some Things Very Like Truth or Love (TENTATIVE TITLE) - Merlin Xover w/ Moulin Rouge; R-NC17; romance/angst/humor/possibly crack!Fic-ish
Cast - Merlin as Christian; Arthur as Satine; Uther as Harold Zigler; STILL DECIDING THE REST
Summary: "He isn't sure what he thinks. All he knows is that this person is more beautiful than anyone he's ever met, and suddenly there is a tightening in his stomach that he recognizes as something very like truth - or love." Uther owns a brothel, Arthur is a whore, and Merlin is changing everything.

Notes: This is going to go one of two ways. It's either going to be brilliant, or it's going to be the most convoluted piece of insanity I've ever written. Fingers crossed that it's the former. *headdesk*
2. J2: Still at work on my AU fic; other than that, nothing else in the works for J2.

So Much More (Or How Jensen Learned Not to be Such a Judgmental Prick) - J2/RPS AU; R-NC17; romance/humor

Summary: “In any other situation there wouldn’t have been a problem, but the presence of Jared Padalecki makes it a problem - a big fucking problem.” It makes sense that the best, most qualified party to identify a case of puppy love is, well, a puppy. Or, in the case of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, two puppies. Now all Harley and Sadie have to do is convince their owners that beneath all that misplaced dislike is a match made in doggy heaven.

Original prompt: Jensen and Jared are both dog lovers/owners. Jared has Sadie (who is a very sedate/calm dog) and Jensen has Harley (the more hyper one). While at the park/dog run Harley gets lose from his leash and gets away from Jensen. Jensen finds him cuddled with Sadie napping in a patch of sun light. Looking for all the world like they belong together (and whoever separated them should die a fiery death as they are soul mates). When Jensen and Jared try to pull them away from each other to go to their separate homes the dogs become depressed; when it's time to go to the park again they become their old selves (cause they know they are going to see their mate). It's all very schmooptastic and ridiculously fluffy. Eventually the J's realize that keeping the dogs apart is 'killing' them and so they get together.

Notes: Obviously I added my own personal touch by making it a bit more drastically AU and putting the boys into a school setting as well as creating a situation in which Jensen and Jared are already acquainted and do not get along. Also, I've already gotten the banner made for this fic:

3. SUPERNATURAL: One possibly generic fic and one Delicious prequel in the works.

Is That You Can't Rely On Anything- SPN; R-NC17; angst/gen?/slash?

Summary: “Sam wouldn't trade Dean for anything." A look at Sam's rollercoaster of emotions from the end of Season 3 through the end of Season 4.

Notes: This one is slow in coming. It's already about 4 pages long, but it's really intense and consequently it takes a lot out of me to write it. I'm still trying to pin down whether I want this to be slashy or just a gen!Fic.

Four Years - SPN; Rating undecided; drama/creepy!

Summary: “The first time that Mr. Winchester noticed the teenager standing outside the gates of his chocolate factory, he really didn’t think too much of it.” Prequel to Delicious. It only takes him four years to realize that everything he wants has been waiting outside in the cold all along. AU; D/S

Alright, this is getting to be one very LONG quick update, so I'ma say goodnight for now.

If you have any commentary or suggestions for my writing, I'm definitely interested. <--- creatively drained

Love ya'll!

art, reel_merlin, writing

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