So, it seems wierd...

Apr 03, 2009 16:48 me that I've had a larger reaction to Delicious on than I have on LJ. I mean, hey, reviews/faves/alerts/comments are reviews/faves/alerts/comments and I'm not exactly gonna be spitting on anyone for reading my fic (that's what it's THERE for) but it just surprised me that there were more people reading it at my FF account than on here.

Hm. People are confusing.


Just posting some random thoughts....

Now that I'm MOSTLY (read as: still have loose ends to tie up and final chapter to finish writing) done with Delicious, I've got a couple of ideas for more SPN ficage:

* I kind of want to do a multi-chapter ficlet series that is an exploration of the Winchester boys' lives and what would have happened if Sam hadn't died originally and Dean never had to go to hell, and they were still just ordinary hunters, not worrying about the angels and the Apocalypse and Lilith. I'm kind of leaning toward an introspective glance at whether the bond that used to be SO substantial between them would have continued to be strong if none of this had happened or if they would have fallen apart anyway, for different reasons.

So of course, this will be an AU fanfiction. Definitely will be Wincest. I'm thinking about doing it as a series of songfics, or maybe as just a series of ficlets inspired by songs. I want the entire series to take place in either the Impala (while the boys are travelling between one state and the next) or in motel rooms (again, while travelling.) I've always kind of wondered just what goes on while they're driving all that way. Do they talk? Do they joke around? Hm. I think this DOES warrant some kind of fic. V__V

* A little drabble idea...Dean/Castiel...Castiel contemplating what caused his doubts in the first place, and whether his attraction to Dean is a part of that or something else. I dunno. Will be vague, short, depressing. Don't know when I'll even get around to writing it.

So yeah, I'm just writing out loud here, formulating ideas.

I dunno what else to say. Missed the new episode of Supernatural last night because my mom cancelled the recording, but I'm just gonna go download it on Bittorrent anyway, so it doesn't matter. Hope it was amazing. Haven't read any episode reviews yet.

Alright, I'm TIRED. Love ya'll. Time for a nap. :3

fandom:supernatural, writing:planning

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