Dec 27, 2008 22:40
a long overdue progress update.
universe : harry potter
genre : romance/angst/other stuff.
word count : incomplete
rating : PG-13 to R.
pairing : Drarry.
challenge : none.
status : 3/?.
summary : Harry Potter recieves letters and, eventually, learns the benefits of misunderstandings. "Feb. 1997. I am restless, yearning - I dislike admitting it, but I do believe you have me tangled up tighter in your weave than I’d previously desired to admit."
UPDATE: August 06, 2008: this has evolved into something with a mind of its own. Will definitely be longer than originally planned, and now will likely span more along the lines of ten years rather than just two. Will be posted upon completion.
UPDATE: September 07, 2008: I've written up to about...partway through Part Four. Part Three will be posted once I'm somewhere in Part Five.
UPDATE: December 27, 2008: My computer died, so uh....I'm pretty much screwed until I can figure out how to recover this fic. It's going to be put on hiatus for a bit.
universe : avatar.
genre : romance/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : T (PG-13) - M (R).
pairing : Zukaang.
challenge : none.
status : To be started soon.
summary : Aang is oblivious and Zuko is a liar.
universe : harry potter.
genre : romance/humor.
word count : undecided.
rating : T (PG-13) - M (R).
pairing : Snape/Harry.
challenge : none.
status : 50% completed.
summary : "He shakes his head, clearing his thoughts, and instead returns to his daze, eyes fixated somewhere near the staff's table." Harry realizes he is staring; so does Snape.
universe : harry potter.
genre : romance/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : T (PG-13) - M (R).
pairing : Snape/Harry.
challenge : none.
status : 5% completed.
summary : "Harry's eyes were fathomless and a shade of green that Severus would not believe possibly if he'd never met Lily. They penetrated his soul. In fact, the only thing that distracted Severus from his goals more than Harry's eyes was Harry's mouth." AU. Severus Snape has been slighted too many times. Harry Potter would be his revenge - on Lily, on James, and on himself.
universe : kyou kara maou.
genre : romance/humor/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : T (PG-13) - M (R).
pairing : Gunter/Yuuri.
challenge : none.
status : Undecided.
summary : "Yuuri was perfect. Too perfect. Gunter knew that if he ever were to touch, he would be damned. And that just wouldn't do." Gunter admires his king.
universe : harry potter.
genre : drama/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : undecided.
pairing : hint of Snape/James.
challenge : none.
status : undecided.
summary : A dying Severus Snape looks back on his life, and tries to convince himself that it was all worthwhile.
UPDATE: December 27, 2008: POSTED, but changed pairing from Snames to more amibiguous.
universe : heroes.
genre : romance/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : K (PG) - T (PG-13).
pairing : Petrellicest (Nathan/Peter).
challenge : none.
status : undecided.
summary : Nathan wishes he didn't always have to be so disappointed in his brother. Peter wishes the same. Will most likely be vague and introspective.
universe : heroes.
genre : drama/angst.
word count : undecided.
rating : undecided.
pairing : onesided sylar/mohinder,
challenge : none.
status : undecided.
summary : Sometimes Sylar wishes he were Zane Taylor. If only so Mohinder would look at him like he used to one more time.
universe : heroes.
genre : a little of everything.
word count : undecided.
rating : undecided.
pairing : Mohinder / Zane!Sylar
challenge : none.
status : undecided.
summary : A songfic to "Ceasefire" by Box Five. Kind of in the works. MUSTFINISHGAH.
UPDATE: September 07, 2008: Should be finished within the next couple of days.
UPDATE: December 27, 2008: This story refuses to be written. D:
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A while back I mentioned being interested in a Zukaang story. Now I'm seriously about to write one. :D
Also, you'll note that I've got another KKM fic in the works. This time it's Gunter/Yuuri.
Lemme know if you've any suggestions or whatever.