Inception Kink Meme - Gen, bedtime story

Jul 30, 2010 20:45

Title: Bedtime Story
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Prompt: Eames is babysitting Cobb's children and tells them (pg) stories about his exploits in dreams, dressing them up as fairytales.

Once upon a time a prince named Robbie fell asleep inside of a magical castle. The castle had three floors, and as Robbie fell asleep he dreamed he was walking through the first floor, where it was raining. Yes, raining inside. So he’s walking through the first floor, and suddenly two magical horses come up pulling two carriages, a black one and a yellow one. Robbie gets inside the yellow one, which is being driven by an elf named Arthur. In the front is a dragon named Saito, and sitting next to Robbie is a seriously handsome knight named Sir Eames.

Now the two carriages start off, but suddenly a bunch of evil bandits ride out on big black horses and attack! Arthur the elf drives like a complete madman and Saito the dragon is, uh, hit in the head with an apple! Yes, the bandits were the fearsome and terrible Apple Bandits! When they hit you with one of their cursed apples, you slowly turn into an apple tree! So Arthur the elf goes tearing off into the distance with the other cart close behind!

They get to a stable, where they’re able to hide from the Apple Bandits for awhile. Saito the dragon is very quickly turning into an apple tree, and Sir Eames suggests they try to… Cut off the branches that are growing out of his head.

“No!” says King Cobb-Yes, Daddy. He was in the other carriage. No, he didn’t get hit by an apple, he’s fine.

“No!” says King Daddy, “If you do that he will turn into an apple tree and we will never be able to turn him back.” He got angry at Arthur the elf, who was supposed to have found out whether the road was safe from Apple Bandits.

“I know what we have to do,” said King Daddy, “We have to go up to the next floor of the castle. The Apple Bandit’s magic will work more slowly there, and we can have more time to find a cure for Saito, and to find Prince Robbie’s father.”

What? No, they’re-They’re trying to find Robbie’s father because, uh, he’s the king. Of a neighboring kingdom, one that’s gotten so big that nobody can be king of it anymore. So they have to find Robbie’s father, King Fischer-Ha! Get it-No-- Oh… Uh a kingfisher is a bird, sweetheart.

Anyway, they have to find him so he can give Robbie permission to go and make the kingdom into a bunch of little smaller kingdoms.

But, the handsome Sir Eames first has to disguise himself as Robbie’s friend and tell him to go, because Robbie is scared and wouldn’t go if he didn’t have someone to encourage him-No, that’s not lying. It’s… Well, it’s the right thing, just trust me on this, kids.

No, you can’t have another popsicle, James, Cobb-Daddy would kill me.

Anyway, King Daddy takes Saito and Arthur the Elf and Sir Eames and Princess Ariadne-No, she was in the other carriage too, just roll with it, Phillipa-and go towards the ladder. They leave Yusuf down there… Who? He's the, uh, royal jester and candymaker, and he’s got to ring a bell when it’s time to come back down from upstairs. Make sense, kids? Good.

So they go upstairs, and it’s this really stuck up place all covered in gold-Really tacky. Arthur the elf likes it, though, because he’s kind of dumb. No, don’t tell Arthur I said that, it’s not the same Arthur. No, it isn't.

Anyway, up here Saito the dragon is less hurt, and he and Sir Eames go to wait for the others to bring Robbie. Yes it’s boring, but, uh, Sir Eames-He teaches Saito the dragon how to swordfight, and it’s really awesome. Yes dragons can hold swords.

But anyway, the rest of them are helping Robbie remember that he has to go find his dad. Only, they have to avoid the Apple Bandits who want to get them! King Daddy tells Robbie that he’s having a dream, and that he has to go up one more floor to find his dad who is… trapped in dreamland, that’s right. See, when Robbie fell asleep in the magic castle, he really got transported to dreamland, where his father is trapped.

So King Daddy brings Robbie to where Princess Ariadne, Arthur, Sir Eames, and Saito are waiting. Arthur the elf decides to stay there are ring the bell when he hears Yusuf’s signal. Then they go up to the top floor and that’s where things get really cool.

Sir Eames, he’s a badass-Don’t tell your dad I said that-He’s really an amazing knight, and he single-handedly defeats about a thousand Apple Bandits. Without anyone’s help! They’re all busy trying to get to where Robbie’s father is, but only Sir Eames and Princess Ariadne know the way! But, when Princess Ariadne tells King Daddy so he can tell Saito and Robbie, an evil witch overhears, and she goes to try to stop Robbie!

Why? I don’t know, because she’s evil, that’s why, and she wants to trap King Daddy, too-No, don’t worry, there’s a happy ending.

Meanwhile, Sir Eames is still defeating lots of lots of bad guys, but when Robbie gets to the prison where his father is, the evil witch throws an apple at him, and he starts turning into a tree! Saito is also getting worse! No one appreciates how dashing and heroic Sir Eames is being!

So they all get to where Robbie is turning into a tree, and Princess Ariadne says that she knows there’s a secret attic on the castle, where people who are turned into trees go. So Princess Ariadne and King Daddy decide to go there to try and rescue Robbie and Saito. Eames stays behind to listen for the bell from down below

They’re gone for a little while, and suddenly Robbie turns back into a person and is able to get up and go and find his father, who tells him that he loves him and that he needs to do what he thinks is best for the kingdom. And then he dies-I mean, he goes to… fairyland. To live with the fairies.

So anyway just then the signal bells start to ring, and Sir Eames has to press an alarm to try and wake everyone up. Princess Ariadne gets back just in time! But where are King Daddy and Saito!?

They get all the way back down to the first level without any more Apple Bandits getting them, and wait for King Daddy and Saito for a long time, and finally Saito turns back into a dragon! And King Daddy says he’s defeated the evil witch! Everyone is happy!

And they all lived happily ever after, only Eames was the happiest of all because he’s just really cool.

The end.

fanfiction, crackfic, rating: pg, fandom: inception, gen, kink meme

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