May 17, 2004 14:59
you know some thing that i dont get at all is? that im semi attractive, im a nice person, i have a good personality, but yet i hvaent gone out on a date in almost a year. it REALY REALY SUCKS. i dont get it why do all the trashy skany bitchy girls get all the cute/nice guys. its insane im very upset i mean for god sakes danieal crow has a boyfriend and i dont (granted i do belive he recently excaped from the zoo.) but still i feel ugly *tear* its not like i have a crush on some one (except for the sexy mr.deap).it just makes no sence why god why. i mean its not just me eather, my friends are all cute and sweet girls (except for ria shes not sweet but hey some guys love the bad girl thing) and were all singel. it is a travity!