i remember durin the summer when i printed off the Fall 2005 volleyball schedule, i had to make sure that volleyball would not fall on the same day that harry potter and the goblet of fire would be shown. i knew during the summer that i would NOT miss harry potter and the goblet of fire.
when we moved in to the townhouse, we immediately started a countdown for the premier of the movie. i was graced with roommates that read the books and seen the movies and LOVE harry potter just as much as what i do! so we decided that we would all make t-shirts and see harry potter and the goblet of fire at midnight. here's the flier i made for people to come over and make t-shirts with us.
i had a t-shirt crisis when i got home last night. stacey informed me that my shirt would require another 'm' so i would need another package of letters so my shirt would say, "madame maxime is my mom." stacey was out running errands, so i called her and asked her if she would pick me up another package of letters. she did, so i let her eat out of the couldron that we have in the house, in honor of harry potter. b/c they eat out of couldrons and all...
i did have a pillow case ruined. i was helping lyndsay with her shirt and got the letters messed up and accidentally ironed the letters onto my pillowcase. but here's a pic of some peeps making their shirts. i constantly heard, "audra what now? audra help me! audra is this straight!" geeze! just cuz i make myself and wyant shirts all the time makes me an expert or something?!
chris and kyle are playing a table top quidditch game in the photo above. it's pretty sweet! you even catch a golden snitch and everything! here's a better pic:
here's a pic of me and christopher. i was really mad. i messed up chris's shirt and felt really bad about it. i'll make sure he gets another one.
here's roger, k.k., staceyface, and brad patiently waiting for hp to start. molly is missing. i was sad. but she showed up eventually!
roger's shirt said, "Mcgonagol talk dirty to me" Kristins said, "Seekers do it better" stacey's said, "i have prefect bathroom privledges" and brad's said, "meur fleur please!"
here's me and chris and dana (chris's sister) and kyle. chris's shirt said, "my other girlfriend's a parselmouth" dana's said, "ron holds the portkey to my heart" and kyle's said, "harry potter virgin" he didn't know what was going on. he put up a huge ass stink about going (even though he has never read the books) but when he was there he kept saying how embarrased he was. i wanted to punch him in the face a little...even though he came and was a good sport i guess...
let's just say that fourth harry potter movie BLOWS i mean BLOWS all the other movies out of the water. it made chris columbus look like a complete crapbag. i love going to midnight showings of movies. when the words, "harry potter and the goblet of fire" appeared on the screen, you better believe i was one of those nerds that was clapping and cheering!
im sad now that there isn't anything that massive to look forward to for awhile...
hey, at least i know that they've started filming for the order of the pheonix!!