Feb 19, 2002 23:45
Hi !,
Today I returned about six applications, and received and returned 2 more while I was there.
I also visited one of the places where I was interested in seeing the paralegal. She was in a meeting at that time, but she will contact me later.
Then I went to the college...got some financial aid forms...the counselling office was closed. On the 27th I have placement testing to determine which classes I need to take, and at some point between the 25th and the 28th, I will have orientation.
Also picked up and cashed my check. Silly people wouldn't let me have my check until I went home and brought back the company's t-shirts! That's illegal....but considering that I never got the breaks I'm legally supposed to have, had little to none of the training I needed to have and got yelled at when I asked how to perform certain tasks....I really shouldn't be surprised. It goes on....retail was bad, but not like this. All the places I've applied to this time 'round are all clothing and shoe and antique shops.
Hmm...I guess that's about it. Back to work on my jigsaw. :)
Anna :)