Signed up for my third Pikes Peak Double

Mar 17, 2010 13:14

Woot! just signed up for my Pikes Peak races for august. Cost me about $220 for both races. This is one of the only races I know of where the half marathon costs more money then the marathon does to run. It's because of the transportation down the mountain. That is quite an organizational feat to get 1800 runners off the top of a 14k foot peak.

I used my pikes peak ascent time from last year, a 4:09:39 to sign up for wave 1 in both races this year. Looking at my results my best ascent time was in 2006, the first year I ran the race with a time of 3:43. It was also the only year I wasn't injured or recently recovering from an injury when running the course. If all goes well, i should shatter that time this year.

I've been up the mountain 6 times now, this will be time 7 and 8. Then throw in a few mt evans ascents, and i can still say I've never "Hiked" a 14er. :D but in all likely hood, that will probably change this summer since I want to hike Longs plus a few people i know might insist i hike with them. I'll maybe get around to hiking an easier one. Maybe.

Just like the last 2 years, I'll be running Pikes, and then getting ready to go to Burning Man again. woot!


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