I'm fairly certain that I've smoked pot every single day this summer, except for probably three or four days. You see, my theory is that if I smoke as much pot as possible for really cheap down in Houston, then I can go back to New York and get slightly offended when my dealer tries to sell me an eighth for 50 bucks. I don't think I can settle for overpriced weed anymore.
There's less than one month remaining until I get back to New York. I'm plenty excited! The time in Houston has been dragging along very slowly (sometimes painfully so). I love my family, but I've been around them longer than I can handle. I love my friends, but I don't see them that often, or at all. It's hard with a place as expansive as Houston, whereas with New York, I can walk or take the train and be anywhere I want to be.
However, I have to reiterate how beautiful the weather has been, and it has put me in truly wonderful moods down here, as opposed to this past winter in Jersey which turned me into Scroogetits McGee. I'm really hoping that the weather is just as awesome in New York.
Also, lol @ school costing almost $60,000 this year. Fuuuuuuck that noise.