My zoology professor is making us write papers that will end up being worth half of our grades. It's actually an ecology class, but who's being picky? We had to choose an abiotic or biotic element from a temperate forest, desert, or freshwater ecosystem, and I chose the grey wolf. Our teacher then randomly put all of the elements in groups of three. We have to write our papers on these elements and how they relate to one another. I have gray wolves, ticks, and grizzly bears. I'm not worried about the paper. I'm actually excited about researching something that I am at least 33% interested in for once.
I was doing some preliminary research on the web just now when I came across this picture of a wolf cub. It reminded me of the games we used to play where we would pretend to be animals. I was always a wolf. Unless we were at the pool. Then I was an otter. God, I miss that imagination. Now that kind of creativity only comes at night while dreaming. Better than nothing I guess. It might not could as creativity, but someday soon I will commit to writing all of my dreams down.