
Apr 30, 2010 09:05

i am so mad it makes me want to cry.

i was having an amazing day. and then i come home, to find a note attached to my bike claiming that it was stolen from someone's backyard, asking me to unlock my lock and leave it.
this is of course ridiculous since up until a month ago this bike was sitting in my parents garage.
so i take the note inside and write on the back that it isn't theirs, come out to attach it to the railing near my bike when i notice
they have taken their god damn lock and put it on my bike! what the shit is that?!

apparently my downstairs neighbour saw them doing all this but decided to do noting beacuse he thought they were friends of mine?! also, what the shit is that. apparently they were taking pictures of our house, and he did NOTHING~
which i cant even believe because that seems like some shady behavour. didnt even ask em what they were doing. an d now some assholes lock is on my bike and they must really believe this is theirs, even though there is no way in hell that it is.

i am super pissed, annoyed and angry and upset. of course i am unlocking nothing, but now they NEED to unlock theirs. who the hell does that? you think its your bike, knock on the god damn door. dont lock up someone else's bike.

i should never have taken it in for a tune up, then it would still look old and crappy and no one would think it was theirs because it would look all beat up. my dad and i were going to mark something into it because we brought it downtown, but then forgot. so i cant even prove that its mine that way.

I was gonna not buy a buspass this month and bike around instead. ( yay saving money and excercising at the same time) now what the shit am i going to do?
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