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Dec 22, 2010 10:27

Good mooooorning!

Been out of town the past several days up to northern Virginia to visit Scott's family before Christmas since I've got a kennel shift Christmas morning this year.  The dogs came with us of course; Finnegan sported his Santa suit and got much attention from his brother and sisters and parents.  There was much Wii Mario Karting and laughing!  We finished up our Christmas shopping and got his brother a joke t-shirt and a copy of Inception--which we watched after exchanging gifts so now I can finally say I've seen it.  I did like it but I wouldn't describe it as a "mind fuck" as others have >.>
We also went out and I finally saw the new Harry Potter movie!! Loved! Though it's been long enough since I've read the book that almost all new to me again and I'm not sure what may have been changed from the book to make a "better" movie.  We saw it at this odd theater that will serve you dinner, if you so choose, while you watch the movie.  You've got your regular rows of movie seats and in front of you this long table the length of the aisle and then another little walking lane between the table in front of you and the next set of chairs down for the server to walk.  I didn't think I'd like it but the food was much better than expected!  <3 <3 pulled pork sandwiches <3 <3 lol :)  Though like most movie theater food it was a lil expensive.  It was especially odd that a bottle of beer was cheaper than a soda...Oh! right I forgot, beer at this movie theater too! Funsies!
Later that week we picked up some Lego Harry Potter for the Wii with our Christmas money lol.  Haven't gotten very far in it yet--only know Wingardium Leviosa and Lumos!--but we have defeated the dreaded troll in the girls lavatory! :)
Scott's mom made a delicious "Christmas" meal for us with turkey and mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and all the usual deliciousness.  I've been a bit obsessed with sweet potatoes lately....sweet potato fries especially. Yum yum yum.

Bah it's 25 after and I've got work soon....
So got back last night and it's good to be home. :) 
Talk to you all laters.
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