(no subject)

Oct 28, 2010 17:51

Hey all.

How goes it?

Been absent for a while....We've both been sick. like SICK sick.  As cliche as it is to blame a place like Taco Bell, I blame Taco Bell.  The last 3-4 weeks our stomachs have been AWFUL.  You get that feeling where your stomach feels sick but maybe if you just eat something it'll feel better.  Then you do and you feel like puking but it never actually happens.  Cramps, nausea, all around gross.  Scott's the one with health insurance so he went to the doctor and dear ol' Doc says we've got a bacterial infection.  Yay.  I'm sure it's Taco Bell because one of my co-workers is going thru the same thing we are after also eating at Taco Bell.  So now we don't feel comfortable going there...but being Taco Bellless is so sad.. :(  I MISS MAH TACOS AND NACHOS! and my super long repetitive  "It's na' cho cheese! it's mah cheese!" bit that comes with ordering them.  bah...

Starting to get ideas for  Christmas presents.... Trying to stay ahead of the game so come Christmas i'm not stuck with next to no money to spend and multiple people to buy for.  Thinking about sewing some things for parent presents but i'm STILL scared of the sewing machine... Just need to suck it up and learn... My friend Vicki is also going to teach me how to make a stained glass piece that seems the perfect parent present too.  We'll see how it goes. :)

I've been half watching Project Runway this time around.  Season Finale tonight!! As long as it's not Gretchen, i'll be happy.  Her manner of speaking irks me.  Every thing she says ends with an upward inflection.  ugh ugh ugh. Irksome i say!

In more guilty pleasure news, thursday means VAMPIRE DIARIES lololol.  /giddy schoolgirl.  8/7c! yay! ^_^

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