(no subject)

May 31, 2006 12:43

Last night on the way home from the bar, I was listening to 103.5 (the light) with the Rev. Henry Bruner giving prayer, dear god, to people, dear god, who need a little help, dear god, with lawyers, dear god, and and money and things, dear god, that I thought you weren't suppossed to ask you for, dear god, and I'm confused, dear god, for why in the name of Jesus, dear god, do ex-drug addicts always think you, dear god, are the one, dear god, that made them decide to give up dope, and why does it bother me, dear god, that so many people are brainwashed by monotheistic propaganda, dear god, that a show like Rev. Bruner's would stay on the air, why do I care so much, dear god, about what I perceive as a giant waste of time for myself, dear god, that I would antagonize myself, dear god, all the way home from ypsilanti, why, dear, god, why?
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