What I did on my Summer Vacation 2009, Part 1

Mar 04, 2010 11:40

In June I attended Soonercon in OKC- and it rocked! Got good panels (On which I played the fool, as usual) with great people. I was on a Liar's Panel (Great fun- the guests all lie their collective asses off about everything) with Brad (Oh Brad!) Denton as the Moderator. This is akin to putting a monkey in charge of your bananas, but what can I say, I like monkeys.  The last question posed: What work of fiction do you wish you'd written but didn't?

Me: "Well, there's this one story, about a guy who kills stupid people, other killers and stuff, and you really begin to like him and feel for him. It really touched me and I would like to have written it."

Mr. Brad Denton: (Somewhat smugly) "Really? And what's the name of this character?

Me: "DEXTER!" (Room explodes in laughter, because said Denton wrote the amazingly awesome 'Blackburn' way before 'Dexter' ever came out and yet, Fate smote him in the eye and now 'Dexter' is a series on Showtime. What's 'Blackburn' about? A guy, likeable , that doesn't tolerate fools lightly. Oh, and he's Hell on dogs, but it's not his fault NOW GO READ IT!) (There WILL be a test!)

I was also on a panel on urban romance stuff (I don't remember the title, my bad) with, among others, the Fabu Rachel Caine. She and her hubby Cat have always been the best people to me and it occurred sometime during the panel that I've never read anything by her, and the guilties set in. To remedy that I purchased from Zane (Edge Books) the first in both the Morganville Vampire series and The Weather Warden series. Being the old school vampire fan that I am I have since consumed up to the current book 7 of the Morganville books and curse Miss Rachel eternally for putting me on this new series of literary addiction. As if I don't have enough 'help' from YDP.

Can't leave out my super family in Yard Dog Press. We definitly are a presence at cons and have the best time together. I have never been in a group where everyone managed not only to play nice, but to promote each other as well.(Selina would just pinch off our heads and say she 'gave us to God') I did a great reading (I know cuz Selina said so) and got a chance to enjoy everyone else's too. We also ran a party Friday night and Blind Lemon Denton and crew made an appearance and rocked the house til 3 or so.

Saturday night they have a mini-adult-relaxacon thing called 'Sinnercon' which translates into usually  a show of some sort, then drinking (if you like) and dancing (apparently if you're drinking enough) I started out the evening in my Sally Jupiter/Silk Spector costume but after about an hour I couldn't stand the wig so I switched out for my NASCAR Bunny costume. I'm trying to sell Selina on the idea of a 'Pinups of the Apocolypse' calender.

The rest of the weekend was both relaxing and tiring, and by the time A. and I 'Thelma and Louise'd our way home I was ready to crash. This is one of my favorite cons and I'm really looking forward to next  year (well, THIS year's) Bubbas of the Apocolypse with special guest Joe Lansdale!!
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