This Past Weekend

Sep 21, 2009 17:44

Had a very interesting weekend. Judy and I decided to take Evelyn down to the zoo since it's starting to cool off enough to tolerate being outside for a few hours at a time. Well, things started off well enough with a ride on the Hermann Park train. But once we got into the zoo, Evelyn was more problematic. Basically, she wasn't having a lot of fun. She'd enjoy an animal for 30 seconds and then sit down crying because we wouldn't carry her everywhere. In retrospect, we probably should've rented a wagon or something to let her ride as much as walk. But she's been doing this "I don't wanna walk, carry me!" thing for a few weeks. So it was a bit of a trial, but afterward Evelyn said she had a good time.

After that I got to go home and watch Michigan State lose to Notre Dame. Boo! The Spartans better get their act together this weekend at Wisconsin or they could be looking at a long, terrible season.

Then it was back downtown to pick up Jenn at Rice and go to Discovery Green to watch Buffy the Musical with a couple thousand people. Fox officially shut down the burgeoning Buffy Sing-a-long movement a couple of years ago, but since this was a free event for a non-profit organization, I guess they let it happen. I never made it to one while it was going on, so this was a new, fun experience. It was pretty cool to be with so many people enthusiastically singing along. And Amber Benson was there, too. She took the microphone and sang "Under Your Spell" along with the dvd, which was very, very cool.

After that, Judy was all, "We need to go to The House of Pies!" So we checked it out for the first time. At 10pm it was completely packed in the small, old-school, run-down diner. We got seated relatively quickly, but that was the only quick thing about The House of Pies experience. It took a good 10 minutes to get our order taken. Then another 1/2 hour to actually get the food. Food which the waitress, whose words were pleasant but whose body language said "I don't give a damn about y'all!", nearly tossed onto the table. A little bit later, she actually did a walk-by checkup. "You all okay over here," she said as she walked right past us, never breaking stride. Then she gave us our check, trying to hustle us out before Judy and Jenn had even had a chance to order pie.

The House of Pies was definitely a memorable place to eat, I'll tell you that.
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