a letter to my government...

Mar 17, 2009 19:57

Dear Morons,

I find it very amusing and not a little bit hypocritical that you should be so OUTRAGED at AIG paying its people $160 million in bonuses with some of the $100+ billion you gave them to keep them from going under. If you were to stop and think about it, the executives that got those bonuses probably earned that money for having the giant brass balls to, first off, ask you for $100+ billion, but mostly second, HOODWINKING you into giving them all that money!

Now, given the fact that you guys lose $160 million before I even get out of bed, the fact that you are so damn outraged by the bonuses given out leaves me breathless at the enormity of your hypocrisy! Especially you, Chuck Schumer, you giant gas bag! You've stolen more money than that for 'pet projects' in the last year! Of course, just about all of you idiots have - except those that just got elected. And that's just because you junior morons haven't had the time to rape the American public in order buy votes in your home district yet.

Now, was it wrong of AIG to give bonuses to people that basically ran the company into the ground? Yes. But where you posturing fucknuts get the gonads to bitch about wasting taxpayers money, I don't have the first clue. Unless you are bitching that it's the sole province of Congress to waste the money, not some private company.

So, when one of you grandstanding douche bags finally gets a clue and starts trying to rein in spending, then - THEN - you can go on TV and bitch and moan about how money YOU wasted in the first place was wasted by the people you handed it over to.





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