Apr 19, 2006 00:15


Post Con Depression...

We all get it from time to time, and it's usually directly proportional to the amount of fun one has had at a particular con... and this con was one of the best I've attended..

but for some odd reason, I'm not really being affected by it this year... either that or it hasn't set in... and, shockingly enough, I've not succumbed to any of the usual Post Con Crud that has, from time to time, brought me low...


Heading back to work at the asscrack of dawn the Monday following probably helped... working an 11 hour day for that first day back probably didn't hurt things either... and feeling for the first time since the new owner took over the restaurant that I might actually be in danger of losing my job if shit doesn't improve has probably refocused my attention from bumming about a con being over to wondering what the fuck I'm gonna do if I lose said job...

it's time for Sean to get off his unmotivated ass and get a new job... preferably one far away from food service and back into corporate dronedom... anyone want to give me a point in that direction? or maybe a good recommendation?

what a day...

still missing kellytora very much, though... no one else like her in the world... and I miss her much...

lonely, pcd, work sucks

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