**Ice Zombies not included.
We've extended the current registration price for CON.TXT 2016. You have until May 31st to register at the price of $100. On June 1st, the price will go up to $115.
In the meantime, take a look at our tentative list of panels for this year's con. We are still organizing mods for the panels, so this list is subject to change. If you're interested in modding, don't forget to check out the list of panels that we still need mods for
◦Aces! Asexuality and Fandom
◦Beyond Fanservice: So This Is What It's Like to Be the Target Demographic
◦Fandom's Kitchen: Food and Fanworks
◦Fat in Fic
◦From Lovable Rogues to Jerks with Hearts of Gold: A Taxonomy of Assholes and Why We Love Them
◦Is It Different for Girls?
◦OT3s and Polyfic: Moving Beyond the Closed Triad
◦Packing Up and Moving House: Learning to Do Your New Fandom
◦RPS Is Hard: The Joys and Agonies of Real Person Fandoms
◦Sufficiently Advanced Pornography (Is Indistinguishable From Magic)
◦Team Family Home: A Found Family Panel
◦Almost, But Not Quite, Entirely Unlike a Tea Party
◦As Described on the Tin: Reading and Writing Content Notes and Tags
◦Be an AO3 Power User
◦Comics for Beginners
◦Explaining Fannish Experiences to Muggles for Fun and Profit
◦Kink in Fandom: Keeping it Real
◦On Location: Realistically Incorporating Places You've Never Been in Your Fanworks
◦Pick a Trope
◦So You Want to Mod a Panel
◦Your Yoda We Will Be: Bringing Our Work to Your Fandom
◦1001 Ways to Jump the Broom
◦A Walking Tour of Hell's Kitchen
◦Book Fandoms
◦Celebrating Femslash: The Continuing Saga
◦Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
◦Fading Fandoms!
◦Fannish Pictionary
◦Sherlock Holmes to the Infinite Power
◦Singalong Vidshow: The Force Awakens!
◦Small Fandom Speed Dating
◦The Spies We Love
◦Your Ship Is Not My Ship, Your Kink Is Not My Kink, and That’s Okay. Really.
◦Alexander Panelton!
◦All I Wanna Be Is Someone Who Gets to See a Giant Woman
◦Bitty's Haus of Pie
◦Due South Revival Hour
◦Everything Doctor Who
◦Harry Potter: After All This Time? Always.
◦I'm on Team Everybody Being Friends: Avengers Fandom Post-Civil War
◦Imperial Radch
◦It's Alive! The Force Awakens
◦Marvel MCU Women or; Why Hasn't Black Widow Gotten a Movie Yet?
◦Never Trust a Man in Orange
◦Rivers of London
◦Sense8: Too Good for Fic?
◦Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Stormpilot FTW!