Originally posted at
Con or Bust by Kate Nepveu. All comments must be made there.
Fans of color/non-white fans, plan ahead for the winter: assistance will be available to the following two January cons during the August 15-25 request-assistance period.
- Arisia, January 13 - 16, 2017, Boston, MA, USA. Arisia is New England’s largest and most diverse science fiction and fantasy convention. Its Author Guest of Honor is Ursula Vernon; its Artist Guest of Honor is Stephanie Law; its Radio Guest of Honor is Krypton Radio; and its Fan Guest of Honor is Greykell Dutton.
Arisia has donated ten memberships and two hotels rooms for three nights each.
- ConFusion, January 19th -22nd, 2017, Novi, MI, USA. ConFusion is the longest-running fan-run sf/f convention in Michigan and a premier event for publishing professionals and fans alike.
ConFusion has donated two memberships to Con or Bust, which must be claimed by December 31, 2016. In addition, individuals have donated two memberships and $400 toward other costs of attending ConFusion.
To learn how to request assistance, see the
Request Assistance page. For the most up-to-date list of cons to which assistance is available, see the
Upcoming Cons page-many memberships are available now, first-come first-serve, and more will be available from August 15-25.
Thanks, and please spread the word!