Nov 27, 2016 22:48
Wow. Apparently the last time I posted here was almost four years ago. I knew it was a long time but that's REALLY long. How to catch up on the past four's a mix of "stuff." I am still self-employed, so 17 years now and still going. In fact, business is getting better. I have been adopted, several years apart, by two different cats who ran away from two different homes in my neighborhood and came to live with me, one female and one male. The female was 10 when she ran away to my house and the male was three. He is now 10 and she is 11. It's a happy furry home.
There has also been a series of deaths in my life, which seems to be happening more as I get older. My mother passed away three years ago. Two friends, one of them a best friend, passed away within the last couple of years. One close friend has moved several states away. And my beloved Leonard Cohen recently left this planet. Life is constantly moving with the river currents, steady but sure to change.
I am less apt to be spontaneous and get out of the house. I'm happy in my little home with the cats. My main regular excitement is that two friends and I are watching one season of Game of Thrones per month until the new season starts. We watch the season in a day and eat our way through the episodes. Compared to the monstrosity that is about to take over the presidency, beheadings and gorings and burnings are a pleasant distraction.
I really don't have that much more to say than I did four years ago, except maybe to plug Coursera, which is a free online university with professors from universities all over the world teaching all kinds of courses. Currently I'm taking one on Memory and Movies. I recommend checking the site out: Oh, and I have a new tattoo, one year old. She's a great white shark named Joan Rivers.
And, hey, how about that election?
See you all in another four years or so.