Half-formed Hugo thoughts.

Sep 19, 2019 10:15

 Having been a member of the WorldCon trademark committee, I know they see a lot of people working to claim financial benefits from the Hugos and struggle a lot with how to manage that. For example people claim to be Hugo nominated if just one person writes your name in to the Awards committee (and you can self-nominate), which is a misuse that happens. So I understand why they are freaking out, a little, because they think people are trying to misuse the mark or that yet again, people don't understand the award.

But if there was a category for fan-convention running, I am willing to bet that if they were a part of a convention that won, they'd be squeeing just the same (some would  have a long-winded explanation with footnotes about the exact nature of their _contribution_to a Hugo Win, and how it wasn't quite the same, but still cool). Winning a Hugo, being a part of the thing that won a Hugo, is something that most fans would like. Some of the reaction seems to be sour grapes.

I hope that the TM committee works with AO3 to license some Hugo rocket pretties for contributors. Maybe a bunch of hands holding up a Hugo rocket? With proceeds going to mutually agreed upon charities? Because if I was part of AO3, I'd definitely want a pin to celebrate the Organization's win and the Hugos.

Edited This entry was originally posted at https://con-girl.dreamwidth.org/74203.html. Comment where ever you like, but if it isn't in this post (at LJ or DW) I likely won't see it :)
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