(no subject)

Feb 27, 2005 22:57

How many are the hours that I have whiled away here on my lonesome bed with only the soft glow of a computer screen for companionship. What says this about our society when one can look out upon the world without even facing a window or even getting dressed? I lay here, keyboard at my fingertips, cell-phone at my side like a trusty revolver. Here I sit, freed from wires and yet I choose to loll in the furthest corner of my room and further still from the rest of the house. I could reach out and touch (in a digital sense) anyone in the world right now, but no. I choose to sit in electronic solitude, making mine a lonely juncture on a vast web of communication. How can such a broad network of information and art keep my mind so idle and unentertained? My eyes stare blankly into this font of knowledge and unblinkingly turn to jokes, games and porn. Fantastic. The "Information Superhighway" that roots itself in the exchange of ideas, reduced to mindless entertainment that numbs both mind and soul. The pinnacle of modern human achievement, cut down to satisfying the basest desires. The internet has not elevated human understanding but rather has made it easier for people to whittle away their time to avoid thinking all together. It is ruled by those with confidence in what they say and wandered by those looking for something to believe in.

There is no longer a black or white. There is no grey area either. Only the darkest of the black and the brightest of the white. If you are neither hot nor cold you are spit out by your peers as the enemy. There is no longer tolerance or listening to another's argument, only a heavily opinionated right and wrong. You are either in or out, for or against, yea or nay. There is no longer a middle ground on which to stand. Instead we fight for the middle ground to be on our side. There is no longer a thought of balance or compromise that this country was founded upon by those long-forgotten fathers. Ideas expressed by those with open ears and minds fall on those with closed ones. Pro-choice, pro-life. Pro-family, pro-gay rights. Pro-states rights, pro-big government. Pro-censorship, pro-free speech. One side is always trying to convince you that they are "for" the right thing. Spin, spin, spin. There is no honesty anymore.
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