These are my confessions...

Dec 03, 2004 22:54

I profess to you, my dear friend LiveJournal, my love for Jack and Coke.

So instead of going and taking a long nap like I should have (I've gotten 20 hours of sleep max this week) I instead sat around on my ass and didnt do anything. Quite frankly the one person I wanted to see I didnt have the cojones to call. Yeah, go me. Like I said to Jenna yesterday, "why don't they just take my balls, i'm clearly not using them." I think that was to Jenna.

Instead I sat around and learned some Modest Mouse on guitar. Did you know that "The World At Large"(track 2 on Good News) has the same exact notes as "Float On"(track 3 on Good News)?

It's sooo much harder to learn stuff while drunk. Ugh, jeez. Oh well, alkeyhol gives me the same "I'm complete" warm and tingley feeling that "love" does. It'll wear off in a half hour anyway. Nothing is perminant these days. Except plastic surgery, but thats fake. Anyway, I'm trying to learn the song listed below. I like it. Even though it's too "optimistic" for me. Who'da thunk that four chords would be so hard to play. Jeez.

I can't stop smiling when I'm like this.
Baby, love will come though, it's just waiting for you.
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