I finally updated my website. Here are the new links:
falling deepHas fanfiction recs and a small fic archive. Gundam Wing, NCSI And Harry Potter.
EverlastingHas mainly yaoi recs. A really great site.
Castle's KeepFanfiction by Glacis, Seeker and Sue Castle. Sentinel, Smallville, Due South, X-Men, X-Files, Highlander, Angel, Lord of the Rings, Professionals, Deep Space 9 etc.
TopgallantHikaru no Go fics.
Tales of SuspenseCaptain America/Iron Man archive. I actually added this link to the X-Men section, because I thought that it's close enough. :)
And I updated one broken link in Sentinel, Due South, A-Team and Starsky & Hutch pages:
when the world is puddle-wonderful