Mar 19, 2009 23:27
I finally got round to seeing Watchmen the other day and I thought it was brilliant! I loved the novel and had heard so many people saying it was good but nowhere nearly as good as the novel, some people saying it was awful etc. etc. that I didn't know what to expect, but was very pleasantly surprised :) Pretty much all the characters were spot on, particularly the Comedian and Rorschach. I wasn't too keen on how Ozymandias was portrayed, although I thought Matthew Goode was excellent, I just preferred how he came across in the novel. SIlk Spectre I was great, although II left a lot to be desired. I'm sure they could have found an actress who looked good in a latex costume AND could act?!?! Some interesting (!) music choices as well, but overall I was perfectly satisfied :)
I really need to sleep more, I'm staying up far too late and getting up far too early for work-related things, I need to get some sort of balance back. It's going to be another busy weekend ahead, so hopefully next week I'll be able to catch up on some sleep a bit.
general musings