Library Notice

Apr 06, 2005 16:40

Wed Apr 06 2005
Zimmerman Library / Circulation Department
MSC05 3020
UNM GENERAL LIBRARY 1st *URGENT* REMINDER NOTICE Reminder notices are sent when items are recalled or are not renewed by the date they are due. For renewal guidelines please see: or call 277-6245. ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR RENEWAL may be renewed by using the link above, by mail or by calling 277-6245. ALL RESERVES, PERIODICALS, RECALLS & MAXIMUM RENEWALS MUST BE RETURNED BY THE DATE REQUESTED.

CALL NO: AP 2 Y21 41
BARCODE: a14422433785
ZIM Per DUE: Tue Apr 05 2005
OUT: Tue Mar 29 2005 06:15PM

* * *
This book was frequently cited in the 1950s through 1970s, but by the time I checked it out last week, it had not been checked out since February 21, 1983. That's right, I was a month old the last time somebody really needed this book. Yet the library needs it back pronto, and they won't even let me renew it because someone might need it as we speak.

It didn't even have a barcode on it a week ago; I had to wait while they entered it into the computer. Still, rules are rules. I am a very, very, very bad person, and the only thing that could make me more evil is if I were to write in the book.
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