Aug 02, 2011 04:25
Dr. Q in the house? Perhaps. Spent the afternoon lounging around the pool with Whittles, Fogle, Marissa, and Allison at House W and it was quite comfortable. The water was warm while the air was cool. Nice combo. Afterwards, we chilled until everyone pretty much left. I tried to help whittles clean up his PC, but it didnt seem to help and he wound up having to reinstall Steam AND his other programs! Lamesauce ensued and it was then that whittles seemed to break down a bit. Pretty much just told him to believe in himself and think of all the successes he accomplished. Active listening, eat your heart out. I just hope that it helped.
Lately, I've discovered that Mr. Hunt is quite the fan of the Age of Empires series. Had I known that earlier, I might have tried to organize some gameage while we were still in college! But then again, we would never have been able to play so much MTG, Settlers, Halo, or Arkham, so no foul.
Got an interview lined up with one of the Americorps programs Thusday, specifically the DC Reads program. I'm crossing my fingers. Just a little bit peeved that none of the other places I sent apps haven't even given so much as an acknowledgment. I want to assume that it's because they're busy, but seriously. A simple email would really be nice.
Tried to start reading Battle Royale today but for some reason I couldn't get past the first chapter. It's not that the book was bad, it's just the idea of reading in general. Am I just too lazy to read now? Too fidgety? I do miss being able to just power through a decently sized novel in a matter of hours / days.