the show last night was awesome. the first band was this punk/ska band that had a horn/keybord player who only played in 3/4 of the set, and when he wasn't playing he was in the corner pouting, for real. i enjoyed them, and they played a ska song in espanol :D. the second band had on they're amps that they were founded in 1977, which i wouldn't doubt. they were pretty good too, except one of their guitarists looked like a bum they pulled off the street, and he was flirting w/all the 16 year old girls in the frount, it made you sick to your stomach. however, they're bassest was this tall, ex junkie looking, hot lady, with big lips and an even bigger rack. and she spit the crowd. when the lighter fluid hit us (us being me and frank) it was still hot.
frank and i only watched about half of the horrorpops set, they're were a bunch of jerky psycobilly guys there who started the worst pit ever, they were pushing and shoving and just being douche bags. so we scooted our way back. we found all the punk kids who were skanking they're butts off. we proceded to skank with them. and by the way, skanking is so much more fun in a group then by yourself. after that we made our way out of there to get something to drink. we sat in the lobby at soma and listened to the rest of the set. we also ran into lauren and alex there.
in other news, here's a grip of pictures i've been meaning to post and i just havent gotten around to it yet....
that's me checkin out the apartment b/f it was ours...
briana is the blurry little zombie that could
i was a butcher
i also went in drag one night b/c my bosses were gonna put me in a dress. that's my boss shannon, who was amused, to say the least
me an frank at star wars
i'm getting my hair cut today, i'm quite excited...