Nov 19, 2008 00:52
It would be so nice to live in the city where most of my life occurs. To live in the city where i go to school, where i work, where most of the peaople i see day to day are . Instead i live in aylmer, hour away from evrything aylmer. This has several implication I can only stay at school till 11:30 otherwise i will be stranded, even when i leave at 11 30 I will only get home for 1 am. It makes it harder to make friends from school, imposible to spotaniously hang out with someone i have to travel an hour and a half to get there, and who will travel an hour and a half to hang out with a casual acquaintance from school. Anyways enough of that I'll rant about something else now.
On the way home on the bus i chose a spot near the back cause the front lights were off. Reading on the bus is probly one of the highlights of my day, despite the rantings above, so i'm siting in the back those of you familiar with sto buss will know there are four 4 seats aranged in a squar so four people can sit facing each other and that behind those four are two seat facing outwards. I am siting on the seats facing outwards, reading all is well, then someone sits behind me and starts talking to their friend.This is fine they have a right to talk on the bus ect. However ocasionaly i cannot help but listen to conversation on ocasion especialy when it ocurs right behind my head. This hapened tonight to my great iritation and i found myself unable to concentrate on my book and had to listen to this idiot's conversation with a girl he was trying to impress. "when i was 16 i would left the house for two fucking weeks to teach my mom not to worry" wow good job tough guy, you were a brat who caused your poor mother greife cause your a rebel and do your own thing. " I fucking hate people who date someone right after breaking up with someone, their fucking whores, thats why i waited 7 months" right you waited, likely you turned evryone of with your stupid story about running off when you were 16. "I just don't like some people, no reason i just dont like some people" OOhh your so cold and aloof, and superior. "I wouldnt fucking take that i;d fucking kill them" ugh... "oh what your calling for a ride what are you a princess what makes you so entitled blah blah", we get it your independent and dont need anyone stfu. later the girl asks where he lives so he can get a ride home, he isint slow to answer. GAH he made me so angry, I just wanted to read but I had to listen to this idiot instead. well thats all i should go to sleep its past one.