Bookstores REALLY suck!!

Sep 02, 2005 09:20

Oh man it's only 9:20am and I'm already over the top!! IUPUI has pissed me off to the max, and I haven't been this pissed since 2000 when I left IUPUI the first time. I dropped two classes to try to make it more convienent for Woody and I to get out of our wedding debt. Well I went to return my textbooks for the two classes that I dropped, they gave me teh bullshit noting that I came in before the the selling textbook date (Aug 15th - I came in on Aug 9th due to convience reasons of work and location). They said I had ONLY 48 hours of the sell date to return the text books. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IF I'M GOING TO DROP MY CLASSES! Man did I want to go off on them but I kept my cool but I blew up on the phone to Woody. I have lost so much money this semester already due to bullshit. I purchased Photoshop CS2 and somehow when I clicked on the Windows version and I got the Macintosh version. I didn't know that I got the Mac version until when I opened the box and tried to download the program. Well it cannot be returned due to it being an open item. So I'm fucked out of $278 on that! So we have the program up for sale on Ebay and which I hope someone buys it! Now these text books, another $150 down the fucking drain!!!! I'm going to probably go to a bookstore and see if they'll buy those types of books, since I have one in stretch wrap and preserved and another that the cd hasn't been removed from the seal. Man this really fucking sucks!!!!!!!!!!! People can say oh it's not a life lost, just money, the hell with that!! Gas is up to $3.50+/gal!! I think I found out a way to lose weight, no money because I got to put it to my gas tank!! grrrrrrrr.

I'm currently in class right now but I have no intent to pay attention because of how pissed off I am. I have been thinking very serious lately on looking into the field of massage therapy. I rubbed Woody yesterday and he mentioned "are you sure you don't want to go into massage therapy?". Well since I'm thinking of leaving IUPUI for the second time, I might do it. Let me know what you think.
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