Vegas Journal that we couldn't post due to no internet

Jul 31, 2005 22:20

Sunday July 24, 2005

We left Indy around 10:50am and arrived in Las Vegas around 12:10pm. Kari's Aunt and Uncle came to pick us up at the airport then headed to the Tahiti timeshare that my brother bought when he was out in Las Vegas last year. We checked in and delivered our luggage to the room - note: they gave us a bigger room due to us coming in a day later and that they had already gave the room away to another guest, and also since we mentioned it was our honeymoon, they were going to try to have us come back around 4pm to get a bigger room but we couldn't wait that long due to Kari's uncle needing to pick up his daughter at the Stardust at 3pm. The hotel room we got had 2 TV's with cable, a full kitchen, fireplace, dining room table w/4 chairs, washer and dryer, jacuzzi, king-sized bed, a couch, and 2 chairs. Kari's aunt and uncle then took us to Budget Car rental to attempt to rent a car but the prices were too high then normal due to the time of year (doubled the price) and we had to be 25 to be able to rent one. After that we went for a quick bite to eat at McDonalds then they dropped us off at NYNY where Kari's uncle works. We headed out to the strip and saw several things our first day including a variety shows at the Aladdin. We then stopped off at several casinos and looked around, and then we called the Tahiti to find a shuttle that was going from one of the casino's back to the hotel. They told us that there was one at NYNY but we had just missed it so we took a cab back to the hotel. That was my first time riding in a cab, interesting I'll tell you! When we got back to the hotel, we tried out some room service which sucked royally due to the horrible phone service and the delivery service was late and didn't give us all of our food. Never will use them again! After that we took a dip in the pool and relaxed in the hot tub then spent some quality time if you know what I mean ;). Good Night!

- Woody

Monday July 25, 2005

So much for sleeping in :( We ended up getting up very early due to our damn internal clocks, so we ate a very small
continental breakfast and headed back to the strip. We bought show tickets to Lance Burton for Friday night, to the Shark
reef at Mandalay Bay for today and to the Tournament of Kings at the Excalibur which is a dinner and a show for that night.
We first went Mandalay Bay to see the Shark Reef which was very interesting. It had several tunnels that you went through
and there was a part where we were allowed to touch nurf sharks, it was the weirdest feeling but it was cool! Afterwards,
we sat down for a minute and headed over to the MGM Grand where we ran into a lion cub exhibit. We then had lunch at the
Harley Davidson cafe which rocked. Next we headed to Caesar’s Palace since Kari had never been inside before. When we got
inside, she decided to try her luck at slots, and with her first pull she won ten bucks! Beginners Luck eh? We started out
with $12 of gambling money and broke even when we finished. We then walked through Caesars and found a water show that
contained moving statues and music, that was pretty neat. We took a cab back to the Excalibur and walked around, gambled a
little more and got an Aqua massage, which wasn't that good. We then gambled a little more which brought up our winnings up
to $44! That night we saw the show Tournament of Kings. The show consisted of a meal without the usage of a fork or knife,
we were served tomato soup which was swallowed with one drink, a cornish hen, broccoli, a dinner roll, potato wedges, an
apple pastry, and pepsi served in an authentic medieval plastic glass. The show was a kick butt performance, I would
highly recommend that show to anyone, and it was awesome! Then we went back to the hotel, went swimming and relaxed. It
was a great day!

- Woody

Tuesday July 26, 2005

Happy 29th Birthday Kristin

Today was supposed to be family day but we ended up not meeting up with Kari's Aunt Sherry and cousin Kristin until 3:30pm.
We went out to NYNY and rode the Manhattan Express the roller coaster. It was a good ride but a little rough on the neck.
Then we went down this little side corner and found these animatronics birds who sang a song so we listened to that looked
at a few things and then saw a Hawaiian show. That was a cool show and some good time to kill. We then went to the Aladdin
again and I went to Houdini's shop and blew away the magicians there with his extreme dexterity with cards. I guess I could
make it in Vegas. Then we took a nice bike ride around the mall and then watched a rain storm show in the mall which
blew, it was to have these horrible storm sound effects and we were under the impression on a down pour, it didn't even
rain!!! We then headed back to the casino gambled a little and met up with the Kari's aunt and cousin at a restaurant
called Pinks and had hot dogs. We both ate a Lord of the Rings hot dog; it had onion rings and bbq sauce on a 10" dog on a
bun. Then we headed back to the hotel with them and tried to show them the wedding video but for some reason the cd
wouldn't load nor read, I guess we just have to send them a copy of the completed DVD. Instead, we talked for a bit, they
decided to leave and we went to bed. We woke up about 4 or 5 hours later, figured out what to do the next day and went back
to sleep around 11pm. The day didn't turn out the way we expected but that's the way it goes I guess.

- Woody

Wednesday July 27, 2005

Today we got massages! I had a 9:30am appt and Woody had a 10:30am appt. The lady at the hotel wasn't the nicest person in
the world but she got the job done. After my massage, my lower back gave me more fits, I'm going to have my friend Josh
look at it when we get back, I'm not sure what it was caused from. After Woody got out of his, we ate a small lunch at
Qdoba Mexican Grill then caught the shuttle to head back to the strip. We were going to do a scavenger hunt today with a
list of free shows, etc but we didn't get that far due to the heat affecting me along with my back. We headed to the Mirage
and saw the dolphin habitat and Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden which consisted of their show animals. Saw white lions
and tigers, a leopard, an Asian elephant, and a turkey? Yeah you read that, there was a random turkey just chillin in the
same area as the elephant. We were planning on see the Show Girls of Magic but when I called the show tickets hotline, that
show wasn't being held at this time and they didn't know when the next appearance was going to occur. We then asked why it
was being advertised, their answer was that they don't update their flyers frequent. Word of advice, call before taking a
wild goose chase for tickets, it's not worth it!! We then headed to the Tropicana to try to catch the air show but that was
when I was wearing down due to the heat and pain, we decided to take a cab back to the hotel so I can relax. Woody wanted
to go hang out at the pool for a while, so we got our suits on and headed out there, it was much more relaxing than I
thought it is. Afterwards, we ordered a pizza and watched a movie at the room then took another nap. We were supposed to
go out tonight to see the water show at the Bellagio, the pirate ship at Treasure Island, and a volcano eruption at the
Mirage, but we overslept. We might be able to see it tomorrow after our romantic dinner at the Paris hotel. It is
currently 3:19am on the 28th, Woody's behind me fast asleep on the couch so I'm going to close. Good night!

- Kari

Thursday July 28, 2005

This was to be our romantic day by having the day to ourselves then a romantic dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant at
Paris. We slept pretty well the night before and woke up around 1am Thursday, so we decided to head to the hot tub for some
relaxation (+ no kids), then we went to Denny's for some late night dessert. We headed back to bed around 4am then I got up
around 10am, Woody couldn't get comfortable so I watched TV while he slept. I called my family to see if my cousin John
wanted to meet up for a bit and they said that they would meet us at the Stardust at 3pm due to Kristin getting off work by
then. We met them there and headed to Sam's Town for some gambling fun and a 6pm free water show. Afterwards, they took us
back to the hotel for us to get ready for our night out at Paris. We called a cab since we thought that the shuttle would
make us late for our 8:30pm reservation, and the cab was 45min late!! We did get to the resturant on time though but we
were worried! Dinner was okay, VERY EXPENSIVE! Woody ordered quail and I ordered lobster. Our total bill was $222
w/tip!!!! Our seats were perfect though, by the window facing the Bellagio by which that time the water shows were
performing and the angle we had was breathtaking! We then headed to the strip and attempted to go see shows that Woody's
been dying to see all week but I ended up in major pain due to my weight problem and wearing a skirt that causes my legs to
rub. I became very bitchy and I'm ashamed of every bit of it. It was to be our romantic night and I made it the worst
night ever for any honeymoon *lowers head*.

- Kari

Friday July 29, 2005

After a night's rest and making up in tears, the morning was better than the night before. We ate breakfast at Denny's then
headed back to the strip for last minute look around. We started at NYNY and I got a MGM players club card that can develop
points at certain casinos and buy great stuff with the accumulated points. Then we got some souvenirs and headed to the
Monte Carlo. I then headed over to the One Club and got another player’s card that didn’t want to work when I
gambled. Anyhow, when I got the card, the gentleman informed me by joining I was entered for a free slot tournament that
went on today in shifts. He signed me up for the 4pm shift. It was a free tournament and you get a chance to win $500.
Woody and I thought why not, since we planned on being around the Monte Carlo pretty much all day since we had tickets for
Lance Burton that night at 7pm, we took the invitation. 4pm arrived, we headed over to where the tournament was held and I
received a free Monte Carlo hat. The purpose of the tournament was to hit the buttons that made the reels move and to earn
as many points as possible and to get to the final round at 5:45pm. I only got 4,900+ points but it was fun. I received a
raffle ticket and was told to come back at 5:45pm to see if I could be one of 4 lucky wild card people to play for the $500. Woody and I then got something to eat and came back at 5:45pm for the raffle, the first four were chosen and Woody wanted
to head to the Lance Burton Theater so we can get our seats, then my number was drawn! Like WTF? So I went over there and
showed them my ID, player’s card, and raffle ticket and they gave me a free Monte Carlo One Club T-shirt. So I sat down and
played the final round, only earned 3,200+ points. The guy to my right had gotten so lucky that he nailed 4 jackpots within
the 10 minutes played and got about 9,000+ points. Talking about lucky! He said that he and his 3 buddies made a pact that
if one of them wins, they’re splitting the pot. Also they lost their ass all week playing the poker and blackjack tables,
so they pretty much broke even. After the game was over, they had one more raffle for more free stuff, and good ole me, my
number was drawn again and got a free golden Monte Carlo pen, w00t! hehe. We then headed to the Lance Burton Theater and
enjoyed his show, he is a must see show!! Afterwards, we headed back out to the strip to see the last shows that Woody’s
been wanting to see all week. We first saw the Bellagio once more, and then headed over to Caesar’s Palace to see the
moving statue performance. Next we went to the Mirage and saw the volcanic eruption and lastly to the Treasure Island to
see the Sirens of TI . The time then was midnight and we had to fly out Saturday morning at 9:20am so we decided to
get a cab and head back. While we were in the cab, I caught a glimpse of Luxor shinning its glory so I asked Woody for the
video camera. When we got to the hotel, we headed to the room hoping for a last romantic moment until we realized that
neither one of us had the video camera! We didn’t look at the cab company that was on the cab, we didn’t see the cab
number, we did though thought that the driver was nice and didn’t acknowledge what happened. We got on the phone and called
all the cab companies that worked in our area, NONE of them were helpful. I was giving lost and found numbers that are only
workable Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm Vegas time. I cried my eyes out that entire night and didn’t sleep worth shit! I
again was a bitch to Woody and made the night the night from Hell!

- Kari

Saturday July 30, 2005

Having no sleep, very shaken up, with a 7:45am cab to pick us up, yeah we're ready to come back home to reality. We flew
out at 9:20am and arrived back to Indy at 2:45pm. Woody's brother, Joe picked us up and took us back to our apartment, had
loads of mail, loads of laundry, and two very sleepy travelers. We crashed about 5:45pm and woke up around 10pm. When we
were unpacking some stuff, I realized that I was missing yet another prized possession: my baby bear, Tebby. I yet again
freaked out and started crying. That bear has been my life since I was about a year old and has always went with me on
every vacation I took. We left him on the night stand at the hotel. What more can I do or leave behind??

- Kari

As for today, I had to be back at work at 7:30am, I called the hotel at 10am to check about my baby bear, they said that they have it along with a shirt that was left behind. I didn't realize that I left a shirt behind but they were ever too kind to have it shipped to our apartment. So I didn't lose my baby bear but tomorrow I get to find out if my camera was recovered or not. The odds of the camera being recovered and back in our possession is slim to none. My birthday will also occur tomorrow, which will make me 23, woo freakin hoo. Brian is thinking of coming down for a sushi treat which would be cool then head back up to Lafayette on Tuesday for me to be with family.

There's our story, I hope I didn't bore you too much.
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