(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 06:59

Good News: Kimm is flying into Indy this afternoon!! It's going to be sweet and I'm nervous since me and her haven't met in person before, just chatted online, on the phone and saw each other thru webcam.

Bad News: My left ring finger is so swollen that my engagement ring has been struggling to come off so Woody and I were curious if my wedding ring was going to do the same so we tried it on..............I CANNOT GET IT OFF!! :(:( I tried everything to get it off but since my finger went thru some major hell 9 years ago when I broke it playing football, and gained all this weight,its more swollen than the other fingers. I have to go to Kay Jewelers this morning to see if it can be resized and also bring in the engagement ring to be done as well. Hopefully it can be done before Saturday. I'm so cursed right now and I wish I didn't put this ring on but what would've happened Saturday?? UGH!!

I'll keep everyone updated. <3
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