Apr 16, 2004 12:38
last night was crazy,
i was at the townhouse and going over over to laura's house when my eye's went all crazy. i had been seeing fine the whole night but hada little itch in my left eye.... so i walk out side and into my truck and then once the light came on in my truck, everything was fuzzy and had halo's around it and i could barely see the road by the time i got out of the drive way.
so i drive all the way home to where i figure oh i just need to close my eyes and relax or something, so i totally bailed on going to laura's... sorry =( but i get home and i look at my eyes in the mirror and the whites are completely red... like dark dark red... so i was screwed... i woke my dad up too look at them and he asked if i want to go to the ER and jessica and keeton had been telling me the same thing too, so i gave in and went to the ER, frist time in over 6 years the i have had to actually go to the ER for my self!
well, i set a world record for being in the ER last night. just about 2 hours.... i know thnats like a damn miricle!! i got in and explained what was going on and while on the way to the ER i figured out what could piss my eyes off enough to do this... well i got my new welder today and my mask was still on the truck to be shipped so i figure i'll just not look at the blinding light that comes from the molten metal... well i did a couple times and low and behold that was enough to burn the back of my eye balls! mildest case the doctor had seen too, i even had to be show and tell for an intern that was working too.. it was neat. so lesson learned if you weld at 3 pm and you see all jacked up after words but then its fine in 45 mins, your going to the ER at 1am becasue you just burn't the shit outta your eye's. Weld with a mask from now on dan! but i got too see cody reedy last night, he was working in the ER, hadn't seen him in a while, it was nice talking to him for a while.
so your sight is something you take for granted i do believe... driving home last night with this was the worse't feeling i think i have ever had! i honestly thought that i would never see again if it was going to get any worse, but its all good now. and offically i think this is my longest post ever, and i have not even been looking at the screen that much because my eye's hurt. Thanks Jessica and Keeton for telling me to go to the doctor last night and thanks for asking to call you back and letting ya know what was up too. i felt good when you both said that too me.
If you feel like doing the three questions thing for me too, i guess i could be trendy for that... seems kinda cool.