icon-talk meme

May 01, 2009 01:03

The Rules:
1. Reply to this post with 'Icons!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will - allegedly - create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
5. Ignore all this and invasively snoop into what passes for my mental processes.

chisotahn picked these icons of mine:

speling and grammar: An animated list of common writing mistakes. Writing on the Internet is one thing, but it annoys me to no end when I see a professionally printed, permanently posted sign with an error that any well-mannered grade-schooler could catch. Do people just assume writing correctly doesn't matter as long as you're not being graded? This icon comes out for discussion and sporking of gratuitous grammatical gibberish.

Me! My first icon, and for a long time my default one. This was created by taking a screenshot of my Uru avatar and applying a TRONization tutorial from Tron-Sector's I/O Forums. (Sadly, the tutorial I used has since been lost to the mists of time, but more exist.) Text in the lower-left was edited in with mspaint, since I couldn't find a way to make Photoshop work directly with pixels. Sadly, I haven't done much with Myst or Tron in a long time, and this userpic is nearing retirement.

Brilliant! Ah, The Emperor's New Groove. This is my family's favorite movie. Too many hilarious moments to count, and I've lost track of the number of times we've watched it. The icon might seem to indicate sarcasm, but I usually use this icon (or the "Shiny!" one) when I've found an idea that I really like.

Fetch me a fellow-creature-bludgeoning device: From Ozy and Millie. A great comic, which I don't read any more because it's ended. Woe. I figured I'd need this icon for moments of great anger and ranting tirades...but I don't really post a lot of those. Somehow this icon has survived culling and replacement. I generally don't like deleting old icons that I know have been used, because doing so will leave their entries with the default icon. One of these days I'll find some really cool icon and my mercy will come to an end.

Это курам на смех! This is the safeword phrase that Simon uses to shut down River's Restaurant Rampage in Serenity. Simon's accent is so terrible that I didn't even realize what language he was speaking until I read about it on a trivia site. It's Russian, and it translates to "it is for chickens to laugh", meaning that something is completely ridiculous. I use this icon when I'm talking about Russia or when I want to be exceptionally weird or obscure.


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