Things the recruiter doesn't mention

Sep 12, 2008 17:44

When you join the Air Force, the recruiters don't like to emphasize the fact that at least in theory, every hour of your day will belong to the military. This means that they can call your phone at 0130 on Friday night and inform you that the alarm system for the Secret server room has malfunctioned and you need to camp out in front of it with a blanket for the next four hours while they try to find a repairman. This happened to me a couple weeks ago. I was not pleased.

They also don't tell you that the local Jim Click Auto Sales will do routine maintenance on your car--oil change, engine check, tire rotation--for free. As in, free--they don't even charge you for the oil. Service with a smile.

It's not such a bad deal, this military thing...

air force

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