short-form update

Feb 25, 2008 17:20


  • Friday: Squadron paintball! Great fun. Manly bruises acquired. When paint ran low and people started to leave, four of us--a Senior Master Sergeant, a Lieutenant, me, and A1C Lawrence--decided to stay and use up the last of the paint. First we did a 2v2 game, which was good tactics practice; then we did a 2v2 of what I have decided to call "full auto paintball": Everyone starts with a full hopper, and you're not out until either a) you run out of ammo, or b) you call yourself out. It's a test of evasion and endurance more than anything else. Last one standing? That would be me!

  • Also Friday: Given the uncertain future of Star Trek Online, my favorite fansite ( announced their pending shutdown in one week. Woe. D: This makes Sherp sad. However, a number of my friends from STOnet are forming a corporation in EVE Online. Tempting...

  • Sunday: Returned the Zune. Such a shame that Microsoft gutted their own software--it makes the hardware unappealing, no matter how well designed. Back to my monochrome iPod mini...

  • Today (Monday): At each Commander's Call over the last two months, our squadron commander has asked if anybody has memorized the Airman's Creed, as directed by the Wing Commander. Spotting an opportunity, I memorized it this afternoon and recited it for the squadron with A1C McDaniel at this month's Commander's Call. Reward: A shiny squadron coin and a day-off pass! Sw33t!
// Computer, end personal log and launch program "EVE Online"...

eve online, air force, zune, star trek online

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